I've tried (with no success) to get a simple led blink program running on
the 16F877. !MCLR is +5v through a 10k res, Vdd is +5v, Vss is 0V, I have
a .1uF ceramic cap across Vdd and Vss. OSCout is pulsing, which makes me
think the chip is 'running' and not locked up. I have a canned
oscillator on OSCin. To avoid floating inputs, I have set all pins as
Here is my code, beter yet, does anyone have a known working led blink for
this chip? It would help infinitely.
only led_blink.asm and p16f877 are being used to blink an led on RD_0.
Thanks anyone.
the 16F877. !MCLR is +5v through a 10k res, Vdd is +5v, Vss is 0V, I have
a .1uF ceramic cap across Vdd and Vss. OSCout is pulsing, which makes me
think the chip is 'running' and not locked up. I have a canned
oscillator on OSCin. To avoid floating inputs, I have set all pins as
Here is my code, beter yet, does anyone have a known working led blink for
this chip? It would help infinitely.
only led_blink.asm and p16f877 are being used to blink an led on RD_0.
Thanks anyone.