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Daniel Mandic

You work in Anti Materia!!!
You obviously have your head up your ass. I spent 40 years in
electronics. Manufacturing, Radio & TV Broadcast engineer, CATV
engineering, and running a service depot for United Video way back in
the early '80s, along with a few early years in the '60s and '70s in
Radio & TV repair. I've replaced more bad capacitors than any other
component. In fact. I have a stack of dead motherboards on my bench
right now that need about a dozen new 105° C
low ESR electrolytics per board. I spent my last four working years
building $20,000 and up telemetry receivers. NASA, NOAA and other
government agencies but them by the dozens, including one aboard the

Go to and tell them that electrolytic
are a huge problem.

Hi Michael!

Claude is almost funny. 75$ ;-) ROTFL.

Is there anything true about the new super-caps, most obviously for the
high-temperature devices, like Plasma and Dig-Sat?

Kind Regards,

Daniel Mandic

P.S.: Great NG!


Michael said:
You obviously have your head up your ass. I spent 40 years in
electronics. Manufacturing, Radio & TV Broadcast engineer, CATV
engineering, and running a service depot for United Video way back in
the early '80s, along with a few early years in the '60s and '70s in
Radio & TV repair. I've replaced more bad capacitors than any other
component. In fact. I have a stack of dead motherboards on my bench
right now that need about a dozen new 105° C
low ESR electrolytics per board. I spent my last four working years
building $20,000 and up telemetry receivers. NASA, NOAA and other
government agencies but them by the dozens, including one aboard the

Go to and tell them that electrolytic are
a huge problem.


Behind only connectors and poorly chosen tantalums :)

Claude is funny - I've got over 36 years fixing and designing, and he
obviously doesn't know that most of the problems aren't the board
itself ;)

When it's a very expensive unit (or no more are available!) you have to
fix it.



Michael A. Terrell

PeteS said:

Behind only connectors and poorly chosen tantalums :)

Claude is funny - I've got over 36 years fixing and designing, and he
obviously doesn't know that most of the problems aren't the board
itself ;)

When it's a very expensive unit (or no more are available!) you have to
fix it.

I think that when he was little, his owners took him to be "fixed"
but the doctors did a lobotomy instead. After all "Claude" was the
neurotic french poodle on the "Beverly Hillbillies".

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida