Maker Pro
Maker Pro


LCD: uses fluorescent tubes around the screen edges, then the pixels block that light or not, so it has a constant power draw.
Advantages: not-so-costly, not so power-hungry, not so heavy, no burn-in
Disadvantages: not-so-great contrast ratio, not-so-fast response time.

Plasma: each pixel makes its own light so the power draw varies with picture contents.
Advantages: better contrast ratio, faster response times.
Disadvantages: more costly, more power-hungry, heavier, prone to burn-in.

LED: uses an LCD screen but has LED's for backlighting instead of fluorescent tubes.
If the LED's are placed around the edges of the screen then it's the same as an LCD, but if they are placed behind the screen they can be turned off when light is not needed in their coverage area and so power draw goes down and contrast ratio is improved.
Advantages: better contrast ratio & less power draw if LED's are positioned behind the screen, no burn-in.
Disadvantages: not-so-fast response times.
Good info, I was hoping that the new LED tv's were going to have improved response time...there is nothing worse than watching an action movie and getting constantly distracted by the blurriness around the edges of fast moving objects.
Thanks for all the replies..sorry for the late response...been very busy around here lately....happy Holidays
I've found that LED/LCD's look perfect for sports, action movies, etc. as long as you get one with a high refresh rate(120/240 Htz)