Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LCD flat panel monitor, faulty backlight




This is a Vison F153 flat panel monitor (1024x768?)

When power is first applied (with a valid signal source), the screen
"flashes" momentarily (i.e. to *normal* intensity) and then goes
dark. During this flash, it is obvious that the correct image is displayed
on the screen.

After the screen goes dark, it is still aparent that the display is
displaying the signal provided (e.g. you can see the ghost of the mouse
cursor moving around in response to mouse actions; you can double click on
icons and see those applications open, etc) -- but obviously the backlight
is no longer on (at all!)

There are two flourescent tubes in the display (?). Both are behaving

Each tube is excited from it's own inverter (i.e. the inverter board appears
to have two identical circuits on it).

So, it seems logical to assume that the supply to the inverters is a likely
suspect. Or, some control signal shared by both inverters (?).

Any suggestions as to where to start? I'd prefer *not* probing the
output of the inverters (for obvious reasons) and suspect that
would reveal very little that I can't already surmise...


[email address is bogus]


You already "started" in the correct place.... the inverter board and the
power supply board. I would check any of the larger electrolytics on the
inverter board first... if you do not have an ESR meter to properly and
conclusively check them just replace them. If that doesn't solve the
problem then go back to the power supply board and do the same.

Andy Cuffe


This is a Vison F153 flat panel monitor (1024x768?)

When power is first applied (with a valid signal source), the screen
"flashes" momentarily (i.e. to *normal* intensity) and then goes
dark. During this flash, it is obvious that the correct image is displayed
on the screen.

After the screen goes dark, it is still aparent that the display is
displaying the signal provided (e.g. you can see the ghost of the mouse
cursor moving around in response to mouse actions; you can double click on
icons and see those applications open, etc) -- but obviously the backlight
is no longer on (at all!)

There are two flourescent tubes in the display (?). Both are behaving

Each tube is excited from it's own inverter (i.e. the inverter board appears
to have two identical circuits on it).

So, it seems logical to assume that the supply to the inverters is a likely
suspect. Or, some control signal shared by both inverters (?).

Any suggestions as to where to start? I'd prefer *not* probing the
output of the inverters (for obvious reasons) and suspect that
would reveal very little that I can't already surmise...


[email address is bogus]

Double check that all the tubes are lighting. Even though it appears
to be normal brightness, one of the back light inverters might not be
working (there may be two tubes at each end). Suspect any
electrolytic caps on the board since they tend to run hot.
Andy Cuffe

[email protected] <-- Use this address until 12/31/2005

[email protected] <-- Use this address after 12/31/2005

Jason D.


This is a Vison F153 flat panel monitor (1024x768?)

When power is first applied (with a valid signal source), the screen
"flashes" momentarily (i.e. to *normal* intensity) and then goes
dark. During this flash, it is obvious that the correct image is displayed
on the screen.

Hi, this symptom of lighting up for a second then poof is sign of bad
lamp inverter shutting itself down due to shorted winding inside a HV
transformer. Usually two or four of them depending on number of lamps
used. You can see a badly degraded waveform on bad transformer (sine
wave cut down to squiggles.) if the probe's body is laid on the
transformer's with scope set to .1mV/div and 1usec sweep.

This trick is useful to confirm you're getting good operation from
most high frequency transformers, switching power supplies, switching
regulators, including flyback transformers by judging from quality of

This what I had to replace that lamp inverter and is all well now.
Have to gonna be exact replacement. If you know same models that use
same design of this inverter that will help. Picture of guts (board,
inverter board) etc is helpful.

Cheers, Wizard

Leo Meyer

This is exactly the same symptom I have with a noname flat monitor. I
took the inverter out and tested it from a known good 12V source while
having it connected to the lamps - same result. Interestingly, the
inverter has another (control?) cable; if I inject up to two volts into
this cable the lamps stay on but flicker terribly while the inverter
makes a buzzing noise. If I go up to about 3V the buzz vanishes and
brightness increases, though the flicker remains. From about 4-5V
onwards the inverter shuts down again.

As someone suggested previously, it might well be a broken output
transformer - but as there are two identical circuits on the inverter
board, why is the other one shutting down as well?

I don't see chances for successful repair here. Is there anybody who can
point me to a supplier of inverters (Europe preferred)? I guess the
types are quite interchangeable but if anyone can give me a hint on how
to find an exact replacement, help would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards, wishing successful repairs,



This is a Vison F153 flat panel monitor (1024x768?)
When power is first applied (with a valid signal source), the screen
"flashes" momentarily (i.e. to *normal* intensity) and then goes
dark. During this flash, it is obvious that the correct image is displayed
on the screen.

After the screen goes dark, it is still aparent that the display is
displaying the signal provided (e.g. you can see the ghost of the mouse
cursor moving around in response to mouse actions; you can double click on
icons and see those applications open, etc) -- but obviously the backlight
is no longer on (at all!)

There are two flourescent tubes in the display (?). Both are behaving

Each tube is excited from it's own inverter (i.e. the inverter board appears
to have two identical circuits on it).

So, it seems logical to assume that the supply to the inverters is a likely
suspect. Or, some control signal shared by both inverters (?).

As suspected, the problem was in the power supply (since it would
be highly improbable for *both* bulbs to fail in the same manner
*or* both inverters to fail, etc.). An electrolytic in the 12V supply
to the inverter was lossy and resulting in poor regulation of that

Didn't have a 470uF/25V/105C cap on hand but a 330/25/105 cap
proved my point -- I'll just have to remember to order some and
replace that (along with the few others onboard... a cheap prophylactic).


[email address is bogus]

Jason D.

Not strictly true:

It needs to match the lamps, certainly.


Alex, that's GOOD.


- I'm NOT sure if the guy have the safety knowledge to work with these

- Not all are same. Some inverters needs digital control, others used
analog to set the brightness of lamps.

- Some needs the bias voltage generated and fed back to the LCD panel,

- Need to measure all the pins and identify grounds, the power
supplies, there are at least two voltages, one for lamp power, one for
other circuits on inverter itself. Measure for lamp brightness
(analog types will be voltage levels that rise or lowers as brightness
is adjusted) except digital controlled will be train of pulses. There
will be one signal for turning on or off lamps much like enabling or
disabling a eeprom.

This is just the surface to scratch, not just length of lamps.

Cheers, Wizard

Jason D.

After the screen goes dark, it is still aparent that the display is
displaying the signal provided (e.g. you can see the ghost of the mouse
cursor moving around in response to mouse actions; you can double click on
icons and see those applications open, etc) -- but obviously the backlight
is no longer on (at all!)

There are two flourescent tubes in the display (?). Both are behaving

Each tube is excited from it's own inverter (i.e. the inverter board appears
to have two identical circuits on it).

So, it seems logical to assume that the supply to the inverters is a likely
suspect. Or, some control signal shared by both inverters (?).

As suspected, the problem was in the power supply (since it would
be highly improbable for *both* bulbs to fail in the same manner
*or* both inverters to fail, etc.). An electrolytic in the 12V supply
to the inverter was lossy and resulting in poor regulation of that

Didn't have a 470uF/25V/105C cap on hand but a 330/25/105 cap
proved my point -- I'll just have to remember to order some and
replace that (along with the few others onboard... a cheap prophylactic).


[email address is bogus]
Excellent job!

But this is unusual. Sounds like this LCD using low quality caps.
Most LCD panels tend to use good stuff due to space limitations.

If you don't have a cap for this value either voltage or uF, match
either and upsize the other values or both one level or more for
filter stuff.

Cheers, Wizard

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