Maker Pro
Maker Pro

LCD display on EST2 Fire Alarm Panel only display black boxs ... how to fix

hello guys so my est2 display went crazy now I cant read any troubles.... only thing I see is 2 line fill with black boxes. so I said to my self screen is bad let me buy a new one..... got another one from eBay and the same thing. can anyone help me out here. how can I get this thing back o normal. what is wrong with the system...


hi there

hello guys so my est2 display went crazy now I cant read any troubles.... only thing I see is 2 line fill with black boxes. so I said to my self screen is bad let me buy a new one..... got another one from eBay and the same thing. can anyone help me out here. how can I get this thing back o normal. what is wrong with the system...

I suspect you will have to contact the manufacturer for help
This is what that type LCD display does if it does not get the initialization code. I suspect that the problem is not with the display, but with whatever is trying to communicate with it.

Edited to add: Actually it can also look that way if the contrast setting is too high. Is there a contrast adjustment?
