Hello Fellows,
Wonder if I could get some advise on this little project. I have this small 433mhz transmitter circuit, got it from aliexpress which transmits data when connecting to battery momentary. If it has constant voltage it keeps transmitting data every second or so.
Is it possible to convert this so when I connect the supply (permanent) it transmits data only once, and when I disconnect the supply it transmits the data once. Effectively like connecting this transmitter to a Latching switch (normal light switch) where swith-on will transmit only once, and switch-off will transmit only once ?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am not from the electronics field, but would like to know options if it's possible !
Many thanks
Wonder if I could get some advise on this little project. I have this small 433mhz transmitter circuit, got it from aliexpress which transmits data when connecting to battery momentary. If it has constant voltage it keeps transmitting data every second or so.
Is it possible to convert this so when I connect the supply (permanent) it transmits data only once, and when I disconnect the supply it transmits the data once. Effectively like connecting this transmitter to a Latching switch (normal light switch) where swith-on will transmit only once, and switch-off will transmit only once ?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, I am not from the electronics field, but would like to know options if it's possible !
Many thanks