My e-mail address has been showing up here since 1997 (when spam wasn't
a problem).
Modern spam filters keep the level of spam getting into my in-box well
below the regular traffic, so I'm not going to start munging now.
True. I just turned on Mozilla's bayesian spam filter after it got to
over 100 spams a day. Works great. The downside is that it does
occasionally catch an important email so I don't want my ISP to do the
same and toss them. This can be a drag when you are on the road and
without an Internet connection via relatives or via a client. 100
spams/day gets really old on dial-up :-(
Once we turned off the self-tuing algorithm and tuned our PID
controller using the Ziegler-Nichols procedure, we got remarkably fast
I haven't measured the plant behavior yet because it got late and their
engineer had to catch his flight. Will do this week. But I did attempt
my usual tuning procedure which is similar to Z-N. Zeroed I and D, then
eased P up to where it just began oscillating, then added a spritz of D
and so on. It still felt like wading through molasses.
Measuring waste heat fast enough ain't easy either because these are DFB
modules in a can.
Melbourne has just had its coldest Christmas on record, with a maximum
temperature of 14.5C - about 10C cooler than usual. Various mountains
around Victoria and Tasmania had snow cover during the day. My mother's
gas-fired central heating turned itself on, and I had to find myself a
sweater ...
Not much different from California then
They announced a big fat storm rolling in but so far it's just windy.
IIRC folks in the Bay Area have to watch for flash floods. John: Might
want to get the waders ready and stock up on Merlot, Anchor Steam, filet
mignon and other essentials.