Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Laptop charger adapter

Hi everybody, this is my first post here and let me start by greeting all of you.

I would like to repair my old laptop charger adapter. I already have bought a new one, but since this is original it would be nice to repair it.

When I try to plug the charger (not into my laptop) it start to beeping. I have read that I might be a bad capacitor inside the charger that causes this noise. This beep comes from the amaranth capacitors (I think). First of all, I am not an expert on this matter, but I would like to know:
1 is it possible to repair it?
2 what is that with stuff inside the charger? Does it come form from same kind of leaking?

I hope you can help me



HI Ga.Pal

welcome to the forums :)

The white stuff is just silicon sealer to stop particularly the heavier components moving around.

I have read that I might be a bad capacitor inside the charger that causes this noise. This beep comes from the amaranth capacitors (I think).

capacitors dont beep,
amaranth capacitors .... no such thing that Im aware of ... nothing on google

the 2 output electrolytic capacitors on the right side look OK ... they are not bulging
the other is that big brown one in the middle.

you could replace those 2 right hand ones and see if it solves the problem
they do commonly fail in plugpacks



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
1) Switchmode controllers are possible to repair, but the repair may be difficult and working on them can be dangerous.

2) the white stuff is used to prevent things vibrating and making noises, or potentially stressing solder connections and breaking. It does not come from anything leaking (Yep, it's supposed to look like that)

What does "amaranth" mean?
Thanks for the prompt answers.

I will try to replace the 2 capacitors. Is ti worth replacing the brown capacitor?
It's seemed to me that the beping sound come from the brown capacitor.
After that we'll the Switchmode controllers.

Amaranth. Reddish brown.