Hey guys I'm at a standstill with my project.
I've been playing around with really basic electronics for years but thought I should take it to the next step, decided to make myself a big battery charger for charging a bank of batteries while we're camping and use our 240v gennie but have it so it's a far away from camp site that we can't hear it.
So I got started with the transformer out of a microwave. Rewound it for 18v ac, then put a bridge rectifier in, used an lm317 transistor with a rheostat to regulate and vary the voltage. Problem is, it's only good for 1 amp. I want like ...50 amps..
I just know someone out there knows how because I've seen it done on youtube but they never post a vid on how they did it.
If someone knows can they please let me in on the secret?
Here's a vid of what I have so far. -
Cheers! -
I've been playing around with really basic electronics for years but thought I should take it to the next step, decided to make myself a big battery charger for charging a bank of batteries while we're camping and use our 240v gennie but have it so it's a far away from camp site that we can't hear it.
So I got started with the transformer out of a microwave. Rewound it for 18v ac, then put a bridge rectifier in, used an lm317 transistor with a rheostat to regulate and vary the voltage. Problem is, it's only good for 1 amp. I want like ...50 amps..
I just know someone out there knows how because I've seen it done on youtube but they never post a vid on how they did it.
If someone knows can they please let me in on the secret?
Here's a vid of what I have so far. -
Cheers! -
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