Maker Pro
Maker Pro

King Kong Massage Chair remote screen doesn't work.

Hi All,
Our Costco King Kong massage chair has been working fine but suddenly the LCD screen doesn't display anything when the chair is running. The buttons operate fine and the chair works when they are pushed but nothing is displayed on the LCD.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?20211223_202432a.jpg
Since this is being a WIRED remote, is there being the possibility that over a p...e...r...i...o...d of time and REPEATED use and flexing of its interconnecting multi wire cable, at its bottom, has resulted in metal / wire fatigue, and having opened a wire at the flex point.
Pushing the closest of the wire to the remotes end . . . . REAL hard . . . . might correct long enough to confirm that.
The next thought might be that a back light lamp or LED panel might be inside behind the LCD transmissive panel and has stopped functioning.
Viewing in a dark room would confirm that.