Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Just a suggestion



Nobody get their undies in a wad, but why don't you guys trim the
superfluous text from your replies. The messages just get bigger and bigger.

Bob La Londe

alarman said:
Nobody get their undies in a wad, but why don't you guys trim the
superfluous text from your replies. The messages just get bigger and

Nyah! You can't make me. So there!

Allan Waghalter

..... and top post so you don't have to scroll down to the bottom of the

John J

Allan Waghalter said:
.... and top post so you don't have to scroll down to the bottom of the

Top posting is for fools and losers

Allan Waghalter

Most of us are able to know what the message is in reply too. Should we
forget or need to clarify, then you can look below at the original question.
I guess it would be better if the responder snipped most of the extra text
from the reply, but having to go through 4 or 5 screens to get to the answer
is a huge waste of time.

Doug L

Standards change, when more people are top posting than bottom posting, then
it will become the de facto standard, no matter what the purists may say.

Doug L


Allan Waghalter

I can accept your argument. My main challenge was why you would say, "Top
posting is for fools and losers". I don't think there are many of these
participating in the NG.

Robert L Bass

I can accept your argument...

Considering the amount of garbage in this newsgroup, I hardly that it makes
much difference whether one top or bottom posts.

John J

Allan Waghalter said:
I can accept your argument. My main challenge was why you would say, "Top
posting is for fools and losers". I don't think there are many of these
participating in the NG.

Mike, Frank, the list goes on...