Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Jumper wires

Can you use multi strand wire (like speaker wire) for jumper cables? I took apart a broken laptop charger and the smallest insulated cord inside was around 22 gauge and had multi strand silver wiring. Will this work? The wires will be soldered to a pcb. Thanks guys
ha ya I was referring to pcb work and not the car cable. On a side note is there any difference between hookup wire and speaker wire when dealing with pcb work? (at the same gauge of course)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
For links on PCBs, it is pretty common (universal?) to use solid core wire. Multi stranded wire has huge advantages where flexibility is required (and resistance to breakage from same), or where you have high frequencies (as in RF).

Can you use multi-stranded wire for links, sure. But it can be a pain to work with.
Ya it was definitely rough twisting the wire and not having it fray when sticking it through the drilled holes in the pcb. Everything is in place now though so just have to solder it into place. Thanks for the info guys it is much appreciated. Take care
Link pcb wire

At the moment i am using up a stash of arcade machine wire given to me, its the right gauge for use on copper strip board plenty of colours as its loom wire multi strand. It was given to me, well a mate said anything in these machines any good to you. plenty of reusable components and wire, i tin the ends and thats the link wire iam using at the moment, yes i would use light gauge speaker wire, why not ? only time i would use solid core is high currents where light multi strand might not take the power.


Ya it was definitely rough twisting the wire and not having it fray when sticking it through the drilled holes in the pcb. Everything is in place now though so just have to solder it into place. Thanks for the info guys it is much appreciated. Take care

Thats why you should ALWAYS tin (twist tight and solder) the wires BEFORE pushing them through the holes :)

things you will learn as you get more experience

Wire links

My thoughts as well, tin the ends of the wire, then its prepped ready for soldering, i don't make my own pcb's yet, i use glass fiber euro cards for best stuff, and copper strip for every think else, i would like to make my own boards, but cash is tight, family etc other more important things first, one of these days i will give pcb production a go, i know a few ways to do it.

The tinned wire slips nicely in the boards holes and soldering's a joy, not a bind. Dave. :)