Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Jumper Wires and Breadboards

I've got a variety of jumper wires and breadboards that came in kits. Most of it is really cheap, nmade in China stuff. The ends of the jumper wires are often shredding, or otherwise falling apart. They are likely factory seconds.

Does anuyone have a link to a GOOD quality breadboard and jumper wires kit. prefarably on Amazon?



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I've got a number from China and I've not had any particular problems with them. Tinned solid core insulated copper wire works just fine and is really cheap. I used bits of wire from phone cables, and later cat-5 cable; both of these are pretty much free.
I also use solid core mainly on breadboard.
Obviously you can’t always and Dupont male to male / male to female wires along with header pins come in handy too.
It keeps the breadboard tidy without having wires hanging everywhere.
Those hanging wires are not only antennas but are also a PITA for bad connections. Especially when moving them to insert or change a component.
The solid wire kits are available in different lengths and are colour coded too. Most people buy there first kits for ease then make their own.

