Maker Pro
Maker Pro

jumper wire tack-down


N. Thornton

There is one thing I can add, if you know where the wires are going
before stuffing the PCBs, and certain other conditions which will be
obvious, one can put the wires on the component side then stuff over
them. No glue is then needed, and nothing shows. Use very thin wire
for this, it can share the same holes as the components.

In fact one can (note can, not should) even use this to add another
layer of tracks, like a multilayer PCB.

Regards, NT


We hate to see jumpers on a clean PCB, but if
one is necessary we want it as neat as possible.
We'd also like the task to be quick and easy,
no standing there holding things in place for
5 minutes! What do yo'all like to use for
your wire tack-downs?

- Win


Gel form of Crazy Glue works.

I like to use Scotch Tape for prototypes. Easy to apply, easy to
remove, and your fingers don't get stuck to the board. I use thin
pieces (apx 4 mm) to tack wire down at odd intervals.
