Maker Pro
Maker Pro

JBL sub 333



This active sub with 5 satelite speaker outputs (built in decoder)
does the foloowing:
1. goes "brrrup" in the middle of a song and then front panel button
operations get locked...frozen.
2. goes into standby on receiving no input for a while ( that part is
normal ) then recovers from standby upon sensing audio input but
prodeuces no sound until you reset the mains power.
I don't have a schematic , any1 know what could likely be wrong?
Thanx in anticipation.


Ok sorted this one out....loose connectors at the audio
input.........boy these things are tough to work on, the wires are cut
to length so that they dont rattle at high volume. Seems like the
previous technician tried working on it without extracting its innards
and extending wires and has damaged most connectors in the bargain.