Maker Pro
Maker Pro

JBL PSW-D110 Repair

I have a JBL PSW-D110 sub woofer that is blown. I have ordered the parts
from JBL and I got them today. I am a little confused on how to install
them. Has anyone repaired one of these? I would like to know where the R23
and R46 resistors are and if they have to be installed in a certain
direction. Also, the BiPolar Electrolytic Cap has one leg longer than the
other. Does it have to be installed a certain way also? I would appreciate
ANY help. Thanks.

That is great to know. Now all I need is where the R23 and R46 resistors are
located. Is there a site showing what lines and colors are on a 4.7k ohm and
4.7 ohm resistor? Might help me find them.

The values are going from 4.7k ohm to 20k ohm and from 4.7 ohm to 47 ohm. I
am guessing that is a pretty big jump and I should not skip those to test it
out. Just thought I would ask.
