Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Is this heating pad safe?

Noticed today my electric heating pad is making occasional, light buzzing sounds, from a spot in the pad.
Now I just happened to have it near my ear today, so I'm not sure if this is part of its normal function I just haven't noticed for the last fifteen years, or if it indicates a wiring problem, and there is finally something gone wrong with it.
Any ideas?
I agree, probably just a thermostat that makes a slight arcing sound when it cycles on/off.

Probably fine because they are hermetically sealed.
But for peace of mind, I'd replace it due to its age. Plus it's an inexpensive item.
My vote is to replace it.
I've had two of those things start on fire on me, and they weren't 15 years old!
I can't argue with the guys who say there's probably nothing wrong with it, but
I don't imagine your hearing has improved over the last 15 years, and it's not
worth burning your house down to find-out your heating pad has seen better days.