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Maker Pro

Is Nickel Plated Stainless Steel Resistant to Ammonium Persulfate Etching

Hey all!

So its my 30 year in highschool ELT class and I've decided to leave a piece of me to better the classroom so to speak. Currently we etch 20-50 PCBs a day. My idea is to create the mother of all etching tanks as what we have now is rather slow and based off lego... yeah. So my plan is to create an etching tank able to accommodate 20+ small PCBs and etch them as fast as possible. So my question is this;

I would like to use a frying basket like this one here: to expose the PCBs to our ammonium persulfate etching solution while preventing them from falling into the bin. It does not say what the basket is made of but I assume its either steel or cheap stainless. It is plated with nickel. Will it the ammonium persulfate dissolve the frying basket?
Hey all!

So its my 30 year in highschool ELT class and I've decided to leave a piece of me to better the classroom so to speak. Currently we etch 20-50 PCBs a day. My idea is to create the mother of all etching tanks as what we have now is rather slow and based off lego... yeah. So my plan is to create an etching tank able to accommodate 20+ small PCBs and etch them as fast as possible. So my question is this;

I would like to use a frying basket like this one here: to expose the PCBs to our ammonium persulfate etching solution while preventing them from falling into the bin. It does not say what the basket is made of but I assume its either steel or cheap stainless. It is plated with nickel. Will it the ammonium persulfate dissolve the frying basket?
Can you not just use plastic?
How about through Amazon?
Not sure.. Never shopped from Amazon...
The issue with shipping is due to it crossing the boarder. Many chemicals can't get shipped.
Of course if I really really wanted it, I could ship it to Sumas, WA and take a drive to carry it across myself.