Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Is it easy to replace a scratched digital camera lens?

I have a minolta Dimage Z2. During one of my trips, the lens cap fell
off and the camera lens had a deep scratch. I am tempted to buy a
nonfunctioning camera for parts on ebay but I am not sure how easy it
is to dissassemble these digital cameras. Anyone have any suggestions?


I have a minolta Dimage Z2. During one of my trips, the lens cap fell
off and the camera lens had a deep scratch. I am tempted to buy a
nonfunctioning camera for parts on ebay but I am not sure how easy it
is to dissassemble these digital cameras. Anyone have any suggestions?

If the lens was damaged accidentally, as it seems to have been, can
you not claim off your insurance policy? Most household insurance
policies cover you fro accidental damage.

James Sweet

Alasdair said:
If the lens was damaged accidentally, as it seems to have been, can
you not claim off your insurance policy? Most household insurance
policies cover you fro accidental damage.


Usually the deductible will be higher than the value of a digital camera,
they may jack up your rates too if you file a claim.

Ken Weitzel

James said:
Usually the deductible will be higher than the value of a digital camera,
they may jack up your rates too if you file a claim.


I agree - it's probably not worth doing seeing as that camera is
getting a little long in the tooth by today's standards.

However, just in case the OP does decide to go the repair route,
I wanted to remind him of that very very bad flash capacitor in
there. Be very very scared :)

Take care.



I have a minolta Dimage Z2. During one of my trips, the lens cap fell
off and the camera lens had a deep scratch. I am tempted to buy a
nonfunctioning camera for parts on ebay but I am not sure how easy it
is to dissassemble these digital cameras. Anyone have any suggestions?

How do the photos look? Often, scratches do little to detract from the


sparky said:
A questionable message thread on an amateur photo board !

Naw, it is just the way it is ... scratches can often be ignored ... did you
get the part about filling scratches with ink! Pretty neat, and it works.
As a semi-professional I know and understand that scratches and
dust on a lens degrades the quality of the picture.

I don't know what a semi-professional is. I do know that I would not go to
a semi-professional doctor for a health issue.
When you get
around to taking some professional quality photos please let us know
how much the scratches in your lens degrade your pictures.

Don't bother making snide remarks about those shots, by the way, as they
would simply be petty snipes overwhelmed by all of the amazing hurrahs!


Naw, it is just the way it is ... scratches can often be ignored ... did you
get the part about filling scratches with ink! Pretty neat, and it works.

I don't know what a semi-professional is. I do know that I would not go to
a semi-professional doctor for a health issue.

And yet you take what you read on an amateur photo forum as the
gospel truth ?