Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Is BB code general use or made specifically for this site?

As an amateur coder in HTML, I've read with keen interest your tutorial on BB code.
It looks very similar to HTML, with tag delimiters <> being replaced by [].
Just for curiosity, is this a code developed specifically for EP, or is it used in other applications?
And what do the letters BB stand for?
I wrote a few lines of sample code using BB syntax then saved two output files TEST.HTM and TEST.BB as a test.
The *.HTM opened in Chrome but appeared as typed with square tags included (not seen by chrome as tags).
The *.BB extension was not recognized (of course) by Explorer. (open....).
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
BB probably stands for "bulletin board" and bb code is supported by the software this site uses. I'm sure it's not unique to xenforo as I've used the same (or very similar) on sites that do not use xenforo.


Yep, Steve is correct - BB Code is "Bulletin Board Code", a very simple markup language to be used on forums. It's generally only usable within forum software, so a browser won't understand the code when used stand-alone.

Most forum editors are WYSIWYG now, so the BB Code is hidden behind the editor buttons and most people won't use it directly.