Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Intellisense FG-730 on Napco P3200


t nguyen

Hello, I have installed a FG-730 on Napco p3200 with the following
NC loop with default 750ms response.
programmed zone as 24 hr zone
did not connect any wires to the tamper terminal

Everything was looking fine until I tested that glassbreak sensor with C&K
simulator. The alarm went off as expected but after I disarmed the system,
the panel was still in alarm condition on the glassbreak zone. The keypad
displayed as system ready but the siren still went off. Not sure what is
going here. Could it be bad FG-730 or I did not program the panel
correctly? I tried to change the zone type to a normal burg zone (not 24
hr) then it was ok.

Thank you for your help


Hello, I have installed a FG-730 on Napco p3200 with the following
NC loop with default 750ms response.
programmed zone as 24 hr zone
did not connect any wires to the tamper terminal

Everything was looking fine until I tested that glassbreak sensor with C&K
simulator. The alarm went off as expected but after I disarmed the system,
the panel was still in alarm condition on the glassbreak zone. The keypad
displayed as system ready but the siren still went off. Not sure what is
going here. Could it be bad FG-730 or I did not program the panel
correctly? I tried to change the zone type to a normal burg zone (not 24
hr) then it was ok.

Thank you for your help

I can't imagine what else you might think a 24 hour zone is .....
other than ......
a zone that will go into alarm 24 hours a day.

A 24 hour zone, means just that ................
The system will go into an alarm condition, 24 hours a day whether the
system is armed or not.

(Note: to ASA)
See new thread on RSQ's


Hello, I have installed a FG-730 on Napco p3200 with the following
NC loop with default 750ms response.
programmed zone as 24 hr zone
did not connect any wires to the tamper terminal

Everything was looking fine until I tested that glassbreak sensor with C&K
simulator. The alarm went off as expected but after I disarmed the system,
the panel was still in alarm condition on the glassbreak zone. The keypad
displayed as system ready but the siren still went off. Not sure what is
going here. Could it be bad FG-730 or I did not program the panel
correctly? I tried to change the zone type to a normal burg zone (not 24
hr) then it was ok.

Thank you for your help

You may check--some glass breaks (most) can be set to latch or not
latch. If it is you will need to reconfigure or hook it up to
resettable VDC on panel.



t nguyen

According to your answer, I do not think you know anything about alarm
system. so do not try to be smart.

shotgun boogie

Just said:
No matter how hard anyone tries to be smart when posting here, in the
end no one regularly posting on ASA is smart. So you're right, not
trying to be smart would be the best approach. But it's hard for some
not to try and pretend to be smart. Anyway, it makes for more
interesting reading when someone does try and occasionally even

Well, keep at it. You might just get there someday.


Just said:
No matter how hard anyone tries to be smart when posting here, in the end no
one regularly posting on ASA is smart. So you're right, not trying to be
smart would be the best approach. But it's hard for some not to try and
pretend to be smart. Anyway, it makes for more interesting reading when
someone does try and occasionally even succeeds.

well I'll have u know that besides that little dyslexia problem, I am
one fart smeller.


No matter how hard anyone tries to be smart when posting here, in the end no
one regularly posting on ASA is smart. So you're right, not trying to be
smart would be the best approach. But it's hard for some not to try and
pretend to be smart. Anyway, it makes for more interesting reading when
someone does try and occasionally even succeeds.

In a like response you gave to me about the *** "you all", "We're all"
*** useage.

I do believe there's a language issue in his reply.

I'm sure, if he were familiar with the colloquialism....... instead of
using "smart" he would have used the term "smart-ass". which obviously
has a whole other meaning and also, if substituted in your reply to
him, would markedly change it's meaning.


well I'll have u know that besides that little dyslexia problem, I am
one fart smeller.

It's been mentioned here before, but if you haven't heard it .......

Did you hear about the dyslexic, agnostic, insomniac that sits up all
night pondering the existance of Dog?


According to your answer, I do not think you know anything about alarm
system. so do not try to be smart.


I'll just wait for you to tell me where I was wrong or for someone
who's smarter, to give you the correct answer to your question.

If you program the system to make a zone a 24hour zone, it's going to
go into an alarm condition when ever the zone is tripped .... TWENTY

If you program it for a normal burglary zone. It will go into alarm
condition when the zone is tripped ONLY WHEN THE SYSTEM IS ARMED.

If you don't think that is correct ....maybe you'd like to explain why
it worked correctly when you programed the zone as a normal burglary

Maybe you'd also like to explain why, if I "do not know anything about
alarm systems", no one else here has corrected my answer?

Believe me when I say ............ if I were wrong, there'd be 25
people telling it here for the next ten years.

Crash Gordon

Probably more than 25...

Crash Gordon

<I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe>
| > According to your answer, I do not think you know anything about alarm
| > system. so do not try to be smart.
| Ok.
| I'll just wait for you to tell me where I was wrong or for someone
| who's smarter, to give you the correct answer to your question.
| If you program the system to make a zone a 24hour zone, it's going to
| go into an alarm condition when ever the zone is tripped .... TWENTY
| If you program it for a normal burglary zone. It will go into alarm
| condition when the zone is tripped ONLY WHEN THE SYSTEM IS ARMED.
| If you don't think that is correct ....maybe you'd like to explain why
| it worked correctly when you programed the zone as a normal burglary
| zone(?)
| Maybe you'd also like to explain why, if I "do not know anything about
| alarm systems", no one else here has corrected my answer?
| Believe me when I say ............ if I were wrong, there'd be 25
| people telling it here for the next ten years.

Crash Gordon

the fg-730 is latchable

Crash Gordon

<I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe>
| > Hello, I have installed a FG-730 on Napco p3200 with the following
| > parameters
| > NC loop with default 750ms response.
| > programmed zone as 24 hr zone
| > did not connect any wires to the tamper terminal
| >
| > Everything was looking fine until I tested that glassbreak sensor with
| > simulator. The alarm went off as expected but after I disarmed the
| > the panel was still in alarm condition on the glassbreak zone. The
| > displayed as system ready but the siren still went off. Not sure what
| > going here. Could it be bad FG-730 or I did not program the panel
| > correctly? I tried to change the zone type to a normal burg zone (not
| > hr) then it was ok.
| >
| > Thank you for your help
| You may check--some glass breaks (most) can be set to latch or not
| latch. If it is you will need to reconfigure or hook it up to
| resettable VDC on panel.
| Cheers,
| Bill

Robert L Bass

t nguyen said:
According to your answer, I do not think you know anything about
alarm system. so do not try to be smart.

He doesn't but he's very talented at swearing. :^)

1. Don't worry about latching. The FG-730's relay does not latch.
Only the LED stays on when the detector is set for latching.

2. Do reprogram the zone as either Interior or Perimeter rather than

3. If you have trouble programming the Napco unit give me a call.
I'll walk you through the software. If you're programming by keypad,
stop. Get the software and buy a PCI-MINI or PCI-MINI-USB. I sell
both models as do numerous other online merchants. Regardless where
you get the interface, I'll be happy to assist you.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

well I'll have u know that besides that little dyslexia problem, I
am one fart smeller.

Someone once told me about a dyslexic, insomniac agnostic who stayed
up all night wondering if there really is a dog.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233


Jim said:
Believe me when I say ............ if I were wrong, there'd be 25
people telling it here for the next ten years.

Make that 20 years...and if you have the luxury to say anything bad about a
Jew,leuck will throw it back at you every time you post..;-)

Robert L Bass

Just say it once and then post it 25 times.

Actually, Jiminex says it wrong and then repeats it 250,000 times,
hoping to convince someone that he's right. So far it hasn't worked
but it does give him something to while waiting for better weather so
he can launch the SS Jiminex across the Arthur Kill once again,
grumbling "You Ho Ho and a Bottle of Preparation H" as he rows off
into the sunset....


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233


It hasn't worked for you, but that doesn't stop you repeating the same crap
ad nauseum.




Verbal Diarrhea

1.The inability to say something in less than a page when one sentence would

2.A serious disease, which once it has control of a person, causes them to
spew forth incoherent babble.

3.A post by Roland or RLB


Robert L Bass

Petem said:
...and if you have the luxury to say anything bad about a Jew,leuck
will throw it back at you every time you post..;-)

Luxury? Petem has trouble with English. That's understandable since
his primary language is French. The word he was looking for was
"racism." He really should learn that word since it motivates much
of the drivel he posts here.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

Roland More said:
Sounds like you're feeling better than ever these days. You're
almost back to you old ornery self again. You owe the doctors a
big, big thank you. Now let's all hope Nick catches a break too.

Oh, no. I'm actually meaner than ever. :^)

I definitely gave the doctors a huge thank you. I agree it will be
absolutely great to hear similar good news from Nick.

BTW, we had a huge birthday party here tonight. The last few people
left a little while ago. Several families opted to stay the night
rather than drive home. It was a marvelous party. We have kind of
an extended family in the Sarasota area. We usually meet in smaller
groups (10, 20 or 30 people) but tonight everyone wanted to come
together to celebrate with us.

I remember last year when I was in the midst of the chemotherapy.
Everything hurt and I was so weak and exhausted I could hardly get
out of bed for days on end. I said to my wife one day, "I just want
my life back." Well tonight I feel like I did get my life back and
that was worth celebrating!

Needless to say, Jiminex is probably standing in his hovel, kicking
his foot against the door in rage over my good fortune. Ah, well.
You can't please everyone. :^)


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233