Maker Pro
Maker Pro

integrate solar panels into charger-inverter based system?



Steve Spence said:
If you have a 100 amp charger, and a 2000 watt inverter (166 amp load)
you'll likely never be putting more amps in to the batteries than you take
out, but we have beat this topic to death. you occasionally do want to
"boil" the batteries intentionally, is called equalizing .....

How do I safely equalize my batteries

Robert Morein

Yes, equalizing is required for all flooded batteries and some sealed types.
However, equalization should be an intentional, closely monitored procedure.

The rating of the inverter has nothing to do with the power draw.
If you have a 2K inverter, and you're drawing a couple of lights, or you
step out on an errand, the batteries can boil.
This is not an example of good engineering design.

Steve Spence

your solar charge controller will have an "equalize" switch. use it
according to your battery specs.

Steve Spence

most homes will have much more load than a couple of lights. Even my off
grid home where load is minimized as much as possible, load usually
outstrips charger capabilities on a regular basis. also, I would not leave
home for an errand with the generator running. a kWh meter will show exact
inputs and outputs for a given system to see if your scenario might happen,
but it's not a common issue. I suppose you could design a system
deliberately to meet your "issue", but most of us doing this won't do that,
we are smarter than that.