Maker Pro
Maker Pro

info wanted: how to use radar


new guy

I have checked the internet repeatedly and can find no information about
using small boat radars. It is the most complex device with the least
information about its' use we can buy for a boat. Does any body know where
i can get 'tips' and suggestions for using radar safely and effectively?
The manufacturer Si-tex/Nobeltec don't have anything beyond the most basic
how to turn on and make minor adjustments.
New guy


new guy said:
I have checked the internet repeatedly and can find no information about
using small boat radars. It is the most complex device with the least
information about its' use we can buy for a boat. Does any body know where
i can get 'tips' and suggestions for using radar safely and effectively?
The manufacturer Si-tex/Nobeltec don't have anything beyond the most basic
how to turn on and make minor adjustments.
New guy

For a few weeks use it in daylight and good visibility. Then you will have
an idea of what it can see, and what it can't, when the visibility is bad.

For example

Larry W4CSC said:
It's easier to visualize and any obstructions you need
to avoid are "ahead" of you coming at you, in the center of the screen
from the top of the screen, no matter where the boat is actually

Targets behind and to the side may well be threats, especially in a
slow-moving sailing vessel. You need to watch the progress of a target
(either electronically or by some plotting method), if it stays on a
constant relative bearing - ie runs down a line from the centre of the
display to its first detection point, then it will hit you. Many sets
without MARPA allow you to put an electronic bearing line (EBL) on 1 or more
targets to monitor this. Of course this also applies to rocks; 'will I
clear that headland ?' is really the same question as 'will that ship hit me
That's basically "it". >

I would add that radar can be a great navigation tool. It gives a very
accurate range (less accurate bearing) which allows you to identify features
on land and produce an instant fix by drawing circles on the chart with
centres on the features and radius their distance off. The same procedure
will allow you to confirm the identity of a doubtful feature given a known
position or known features. You can also set up an electronic range ring in
advance of a tricky bit of pilotage and use it to stay a known distance off
land. Just remember that the return from a bit of land does not neccesarily
come from the point where the colour changes on the chart; at a long range
you may be seeing high ground miles inland. At closer range it may depend on
tidal height.

A responsible navigator uses every piece of information at his disposal.



Hey, don't laugh. I tracked something one day that had to be either a bird
or a UFO. Although I'd have preferred to see the latter, I have to believe
it was a bird.


Did you ever walk into a room and forget why you walked in? I think that's
how dogs spend their lives.


Keith said:
Hey, don't laugh. I tracked something one day that had to be either a bird
or a UFO. Although I'd have preferred to see the latter, I have to believe
it was a bird.

I've heard the air defense radars follow easily crows and other reasonable
size birds. And that it isn't nice for the birds - somehow they can detect
it and tries to dodge.



Try turning up your gain manually as much as you can without obscuring the
screen. Some of the fishing boats around here can see flocks of birds
feeding, indicating fish.


A critic is a man who knows the way, but can't drive the car.

Bruce in Alaska

.....something that
MUST reflect radio waves....which isn't wood, fiberglass or anything
else non-conductive to electricity.

Bzzzzzt, Wrong answer, Would you like to try again, or go for what is
behind "Door Number 2"?

Xband Radar Transmissions will reflect of any surface that is flat and
over 4 wavelengths square. It doesn't matter what the material is as
long as it isn't some type of Stealth Carbon Composite or the like. Wood
& plastic boats show up just like steel ones do, given the same size and
surface area. Modern Commercial Marine Radars have excellent Log
Receivers, and I have painted "Single Seagulls" sitting on the water
of Lake Union in Seattle, Wa. with a Furuno 448, and that was 20 years
ago. What makes a "Great" Marine Radar is the Antenna Gain and
Horizontal Beamwidth. The higher the Gain, and the smaller the
Beamwidth, the better the radar. 40 years ago we needed 20 or 40 Kw
just to paint Mountain Tops out at 48 miles, now that can be done with 6
or 7 Kw and units now only have one tube. (the Magnitron)

US Power Squadran has a course on the Operation and Use of Small Boat
Radars that might be of interest to the original Poster. Also there are
a number of schools that teach Radar Navigation and Radar Observer
courses for "USCG Six Pack Masters License preperation".

Bruce in alaska