Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Industrial circuit simulation

So with some help from people on this forum I was able to find a nice circuit simulator and a PCB design/sim but now I need something bigger. And by bigger I mean the Industrial. I'm looking for a program that can simulate high power circuits. I work for a small manufacturing company and we sell mostly solid state relays and we can get a lot of interesting needs for controlling inductive heaters and transformers and it would be nice to see what could happen to a circuit like that so if anyone knows of any industrial simulation software that would be awesome!
I've used simulators in the distant past and am not aware of limitations that make them non-industrial, i.e. they work at any current and voltage.
The biggest limitation of any simulator are the component and wiring models, they are all simplified versions of 'real life'. look into your current simulator for any known limitations and then try some HV and high load tests.
What simulator are you using?

Harald Kapp

It is not really clear what you mean by "bigger" simulator.

Any simulator I know can handle large circuits. The power used by the circuit is irrelevant, you can simulate Megawatts.