Maker Pro
Maker Pro

incompatible arduino components

I got an cheap arduino kit for fun and to extend my electronics knowledge from a good working state to a hack and slay state...
I decided to build components rather than devices... well the kit has a lot of potential as pieces parts for larger projects... so I started with commonly available and often strangely different pieces.
The 4 digit display is a common anode display rather than a common cathode display. The kit has a maxim7219 led segment driver in it so I started searching for the data sheets and wiring diagrams to hook it up...
In the tutorials the instructions were very explicit. the max7219 requires a common cathode display set... woo hoo!!! So I am glad I read the instructions... I also found that after searching for about 2 days for the right datasheet for the LED display...that the sheet was offered on the arduino site.
I want to show you what I have drawn up using my Multimeter and data I required on the 7 segment-4 digit LED display... and then... I am going to try and make the incompatible... compatible once again using common sense and electronic in-genius(woo hoo 2!)