Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Improved Search Feature


I've had a few requests and suggestions over the years to improve the search function on ElectronicsPoint, as it hasn't been particularly fast or helpful when common search terms are used.

The search has been upgraded to run on a new system, which should allow for greatly improved search results. I'll test to see if it's possible to also allow for much more advanced search operators too.

I thought it was worth posting about, in case anyone had given up using the built-in search engine on here in the past ;).


An effective search tends to be one of the top assets of any tech site. :rolleyes:

I'm not quite sure how to interpret that...

We had a decent search engine before, but it struggled when trying to search for very short words (i.e. 3 characters). This is an inherent problem with most site-based search engines and there isn't much that can be done, without using a secondary database dedicated to search results (which we now have).

As new addons and software are released for the forum and server, I upgrade as they become available (where appropriate).


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Yes. TLA's were the bane of my searching.

I've also made mention to Nisar about how people might interpret his use of smileys.