Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Illuminating a model ship

Tested the lights again tonight and they seem to be getting so hot that if i left them on for long enough the plastic would melt. Would removing 2 batteries reduce the temperature. Also this test didnt involve any switches just wires twisted together and the + and - battery wires touching them 20140928_201948.jpg
Yes, reducing the voltage to the lights by removing a battery or two will reduce the temperature.
This will also reduce the brightness of the bulbs, so you may have to play to find a happy medium.

The twisted wire method you have done should not increase heat to the bulbs, if anything the connection where the wires are twisted together would get warm/hot if not connected firmly enough and would reduce the power to the bulbs.

If this continues to be a problem with heat, you may need to settle for a lower voltage and bulbs that are too dim, or you may need to invest some more time into swapping out the bulbs for LEDs...
I'm sorry to hear the heat is an issue already. It does look good though
Thanks. Ill take your advice and mess around with the batteries as changing the lights isnt really an option at this stage lol
The lights are only for display and wont be left on for long periods of time so it shouldnt be too much of a problem ( but id rather my weeks of hard work didnt melt) haha
Put together the switches today. Just mounted them on a brass plate i cut to size. May change the switches to buttons but im not too sure yet. 20141003_123017.jpg
Looks good, you can always switch out for push-on / push-off buttons ;)
Did you make any progress getting those lights to run cooler?
Not had much time to mess about with them yet but ill have a go tomorrow. I did manage to find a base and mount the switches.
i still have alot to do on the boat and the base but its slowly getting done.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
It's not immediately apparent what needs to be done. It looks great to me!
(I'm not a nautical man though ;))

I notice the distinct lack of water, but I'm not nautical enough to know if that is a requirement :D

But it does look very nice.