Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Identify this continuously rotating part please


Repairing a microwave/multi cooker. It has on it's front a knob for setting times and weights and anything else.
The knob rotates continuously with 23 click stops, so one would go to a time position and spin the knob back and forth to get the required setting.
Anyway no setting that this knob is supposed to set can be adjusted.
I have removed the component but to be honest do not know what it is or is supposed to be. There are 3 pinouts like a potentiometer and all pins measure o/c to each other.
It is marked only TTC.

It can be viewed here

Any thoughts appreciated


EDIT Decided to open it. Interesting. Rotary switch. Will investigate closely
Added 4th image
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It's a mechanical incremental rotary encoder. They can be had for as little as $7 new. It has 24 detents and is a PCB mount type. The resolution is unknown. TTC is a Chinese manufacturer. If there's no model number, you probably could only source from the OEM (maker of the oven) or by parameter.
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Some progress to report.
I tweaked the contacts in the original encoder to ensure good contact, re-assembled it and refitted. Same. Dead.
New part came so fitted that. Physical size differences but it fitted OK.
Pleased to see that spinning it allowed me to set the microwave time etc but only works in a forward direction.
Guessing I need to know the spec of the original. e.g. A leads B by 30 degrees etc
Not convinced the new part and the old part have the same pinout's. I think the common is on a different pin.
Anyway I re-visited the original part.
I re-opened it, completed de-greased it, cleaned the rotating contacts with a fibre pen, gave it all another good clean, then re-assembled with some silicone grease inside.
Microwave works fine now, can select times etc forwards and backwards.