Hi all. The other week I gave the A channel of my scope a voltage spike
it didn't like and soooo I gotta fix it Among other things
there is a source follower FET in the input stage right after the
attenuator. It has written on it "304" then underneath that, "E 5M".
It is definitely dead but I can't seem to work out who makes it to get
replacement or a data sheet to choose a reasonable substitute. Can
anyone help me here?
it didn't like and soooo I gotta fix it Among other things
there is a source follower FET in the input stage right after the
attenuator. It has written on it "304" then underneath that, "E 5M".
It is definitely dead but I can't seem to work out who makes it to get
replacement or a data sheet to choose a reasonable substitute. Can
anyone help me here?