Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Idea: Personal Dust Sucker


Skybuck Flying


I suspect my presence near the Personal Computer is probably causing a lot
of dust to be sucked into the PC over time. So in a way the PC also acts as
a Personal Dust Sucker. Except I don't want it to suck in dust.

So here is my idea for a solution: a Personal Dust Sucker.

I would buy such a device, and place it next to me on the desk or so, and
then it starts sucking dust particles which my body is shedding faster than
my PC would, in the hope that my PC would stay much more clean.

Added benefit could be: Less house cleaning to do.

I think such a device is worth of an experiment, you build it, I buy it and
test it out ;)

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Maybe I would buy even multiple and spread them around in my house, so they
can suck in dust 24/7 so that the dust never hits the floor and it hopefully
won't get sucked into my pc too much ! ;)

Ofcourse it has to be a little bit low noise, not as loud as a vacuum
cleaner, but still effective enough to suck in dust ! ;) =D

Perhaps it should use the same bags as regular vacuum cleaners so those bags
can be dumped into waste basket when full... but I would also be cool with
plastic bags which can be wrapped around some kind of plastic container,
turn it up side down, wait until all the dust settles in the plastic bag and
then close plastic bag and throw it away, though I suspect that might be a
bit more messy, or simply a container which I take outside and fokking dump
the dust onto the street :p ! ;) =D


Skybuck Flying

Also I just realized why there is always so much dust at the back of my
table near the wall... I think it's the PC causing it !

It sucks in dust from the front and blows it out in the back.

Then the dust falls down at the back and accumalates.

Kinda stupid that it's not collected but that's where the dust suckers come
in ! ;) =D

Perhaps these devices can even be combined into one so that the PC functions
as a Personal Dust Sucker as well. Though I suspect all the air pushing
through backs would get hot.

Maybe it needs a different tactic to collect the dust from the air ;)


Skybuck Flying


I just had a very cool idea which might work:

The dust sucker is placed right before the inlet fans of the PC, as to suck
away the dust.

So somehow the air which goes into the PC should first be cleaned/clensed by
something else, which could be the dust sucker.

Perhaps a whole system of cleaning air, cooling the air and then it goes
into the PC.

That way the PC keeps functioning at optimum condition, no cleaning
necessary, no risks of damage for a while and the fans inside can even spin
harder without having to worry about dust build up, and the fans will
probably keep working longer too, without oil getting all filthy ! ;)

(Though some fans are closed nowadays and have some oil reservoirs which is
a good thing for long life).


Skybuck Flying


I am gonna expand a little bit on this idea:

There would be a filter, multiple filters perhaps even.

There would be a little mechinal arm which scraps away the dust from
filters and collects it.

There would be some small pipes running next to the case, lot's of
lonnnnggggg pipes, all around the pipes would be tiny little heatsinks,
which would transport any heat from the air onto the outside or so.

Then hopefully the air gets cooled, maybe even freezing cool.

Then because the pipes are so tiny... it produces lot's of air speed which
can be directly directed at the cpu chip and gpu chip. Perhaps the air can
be split up into multiple pipes leading to these different chips.

Perhaps the pipes be a little bit flexible, or perhaps they should be in a
steady position, so motherboard designer have to place their chips there...
but that might take away some freedom... so perhaps moveable pipes somehow
would be best...

Perhaps some kind of pipe heatsinks... the pipes leads directly to the
heatsinks and can be attached so they don't go off and bungle around.

This way the hottest chips get optimal cooling... any remaining airflow
comes out in the main chasis area or so... or perhaps tiny little pipes
across the motherboard... asus seems to have a design for that.

All air should go directly over these components as much as possible... I
think that would be best...

Just shoving in air and out without actually going over the components
probably don't work well in current systems... so this new system would be

Perhaps it should be standardize so extension cards can only be of a certain
size as to prevent fitting issues, or perhaps the motherboard cover would be
expandable so user can expand it himself, perhaps with different settings
which can hold place by themselfes, perhaps little screw or clip to keep it
in place.

Refridgerators have cooling mechanics, so perhaps same technology can be
applied to cool the air somewhat... perhaps smaller versions of this
technology, perhaps even something new ;)

Skybuck :)

Skybuck Flying

Now that I think about it some more this design has simalarities with "water
cooling systems" except without the damn water.

I don't like water cooling systems because of the water.

So try and use a water cooling system but then replace the water with some
kind of cleaned and cooled air...

That would be cool.



Also I just realized why there is always so much dust at the back of my
table near the wall... I think it's the PC causing it !

It sucks in dust from the front and blows it out in the back.

The Antec 1200 has dust filters in the front. How in the hell could it suck
dust thru the case if you are using them and cleaning then regularly?


"Skybuck Flying" wrote in message


I suspect my presence near the Personal Computer is probably causing a lot
of dust to be sucked into the PC over time. So in a way the PC also acts as
a Personal Dust Sucker. Except I don't want it to suck in dust.

So here is my idea for a solution: a Personal Dust Sucker.

I would buy such a device, and place it next to me on the desk or so, and
then it starts sucking dust particles which my body is shedding faster than
my PC would, in the hope that my PC would stay much more clean.

Added benefit could be: Less house cleaning to do.

I think such a device is worth of an experiment, you build it, I buy it and
test it out ;)

Skybuck =D

Why don't you buy a electrostatic air cleaner, they work very well. As for
dust getting into your PC, buy filter fabric (it about 1/8 inch thick, comes
in rolls, you can probably get it at a hardware store. Cut pieces of it and
tape the over the vents and fan holes on you PC, soome of the guy I work
with do this with there pc)



"Skybuck Flying" wrote in message

Now that I think about it some more this design has simalarities with "water
cooling systems" except without the damn water.

I don't like water cooling systems because of the water.

So try and use a water cooling system but then replace the water with some
kind of cleaned and cooled air...

That would be cool.


I see that you mind goes and goes, hence multiple posts. There are
medications for that, they're called antipsychotics. I'm not insulting you
when I make this suggestion. Talk to a doctor about what all goes on in
your mind, hopefully he'll refer you to a psychiatrist and they can
prescribe medication. Again, I'm not insulting you, I'm giving you advise,
I'm familiar with this type of thing.

Skybuck Flying

GMAN said:
The Antec 1200 has dust filters in the front. How in the hell could it
dust thru the case if you are using them and cleaning then regularly?

The dust filters get full real quickly, like 1 month and it's full.

It needs to be cleaned, to do that it must be taken out introducing risks to
the hardware.

Therefore it might be better if a mechanical arm does this or something
else, which would also save me time.

Here is another idea:

Have a waterfall of water running down a shaft which cleans the air of dust

Perhaps this would work if the waterfull has some air gaps or so.

Or perhaps some kind of water gun or disperser like a lawn sprinkler or a
shower thing which is very fine.

Little water bubbles which might catch the dust but let the air through ! ;)



What you really need is a drivel sucker.
Though, a drivel filter would probably work just as well.

There wouldn't be anything left of the twit.


Again, I'm not insulting you, I'm giving you advise,
I'm familiar with this type of thing.

That is soooooo funny.

I hereby award you with a PhD in stupidity.


Shaun said:
"Skybuck Flying" wrote in message

So here is my idea for a solution: a Personal Dust Sucker.
Why don't you buy a electrostatic air cleaner, they work very well.

You mean the type of air cleaner that charges airborne particles so that
they're attracted to a collector? Like the famous Ionic Breeze?
And whatever particles blow past the collector adhere to walls,
furniture, drapes, Skybunk's PC ...
so the air is cleaner, but everything else in the room becomes grimy?
And your parakeets die from the elevated ozone level?

Skybuck Flying

Why don't you EVER put all your retarded shit into ONE FUCKING post!?

Why don't you EVER put all your retarded shit into ONE FUCKING session ?!


Skybuck =D


"FatBytestard" wrote in message

Again, I'm not insulting you, I'm giving you advise,
I'm familiar with this type of thing.

That is soooooo funny.

I hereby award you with a PhD in stupidity.

I'm not saying Skytard isn't stupid, I am saying that I think he has
something mentally wrong with him and the he can get help.
I've already loaded this guy with insults, now I feel sorry for him.



"FatBytestard" wrote in message

That is soooooo funny.

I hereby award you with a PhD in stupidity.

I'm not saying Skytard isn't stupid, I am saying that I think he has
something mentally wrong with him and the he can get help.
I've already loaded this guy with insults, now I feel sorry for him.


Except that I was referring to you in this particular case.

Jack R

"Skybuck Flying" wrote in message


I suspect my presence near the Personal Computer is probably causing a lot
of dust to be sucked into the PC over time. So in a way the PC also acts as
a Personal Dust Sucker. Except I don't want it to suck in dust.

So here is my idea for a solution: a Personal Dust Sucker.

I would buy such a device, and place it next to me on the desk or so, and
then it starts sucking dust particles which my body is shedding faster than
my PC would, in the hope that my PC would stay much more clean.

Added benefit could be: Less house cleaning to do.

I think such a device is worth of an experiment, you build it, I buy it and
test it out ;)

Skybuck =D