Maker Pro
Maker Pro

IC identification help requested

A friend gave me a dead synthesizer (keys broken) and in it I found two
socketed ICs:


Both are 40-pin DIP packages. I have learned that the M112B1 is a
polyphonic synthesizer chip. I'm curious to find the datasheet for it.
The other is a Motorola chip but I'm not sure what it is.

Any help appreciated!


Phil Allison

<[email protected]
A friend gave me a dead synthesizer (keys broken) and in it I found two
socketed ICs:


Both are 40-pin DIP packages. I have learned that the M112B1 is a
polyphonic synthesizer chip. I'm curious to find the datasheet for it.
The other is a Motorola chip but I'm not sure what it is.

Any help appreciated!

** The second one is Motorola's postal code for Phoenix Arizona.

ZC obviously means Zip Code.

.......... Phil
The second one is Motorola's postal code for Phoenix Arizona.
ZC obviously means Zip Code.

Ok... not sure why they'd put a zip code on the chip. The chip
directory indicates that ZC is a Motorola prefix.

Anyway, the second line reads:

FL GM58607

If that's any help. Again, I'm just curious as to what this chip is.


Rich Grise

Ok... not sure why they'd put a zip code on the chip. The chip
directory indicates that ZC is a Motorola prefix.

Anyway, the second line reads:

FL GM58607

If that's any help. Again, I'm just curious as to what this chip is.


It's very likely a custom, mask-programmed microcontroller of some
kind, and the numbers are house numbers. Ignore the crack about the
zip code - Phil's pulling your chain.

Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about getting a replacement,
unless you call the service department at the place the unit was
bought from.

Good Luck!

Phil Allison

"Rich Grise"
It's very likely a custom, mask-programmed microcontroller of some
kind, and the numbers are house numbers. Ignore the crack about the
zip code - Phil's pulling your chain.

** Put 850206 in Google.

Comes up with Mesa, Arizona and its proximity to the Motorola complex.

The "ZC" bit was too good to pass up.

.......... Phil

Jim Thompson

No it doesn't.


85206, Note the excess zero removed, gets you Mesa, AZ, but NOT where
the "Motorola complex" is located. The Motorola facility is west of
Loop 101, 85206 is several miles EAST of Loop 101.

(85026 is in downtown Phoenix, nowhere near any Motorola site.)

Of course the standard question is, "What would Phil Allison know?"

...Jim Thompson

Phil Allison

"Jim Thompson"
Phil said:
85206, Note the excess zero removed, gets you Mesa, AZ, but NOT where
the "Motorola complex" is located.

** So you cannot see the word " proximity " in my post ???

The Motorola facility is west of
Loop 101, 85206 is several miles EAST of Loop 101.

** So you cannot see the word " proximity " in my post ???

Of course the standard question is, "What would Phil Allison know?"

** In attempting to find some info on the OP's " ZC " number, I put the
digits and the word "motorola" into Google.

The first few hits showed the number was the zip code (ie ZC) for a nearby
suburb ( Mesa) to Motorola's main facility.

Too complicated piece of co-incidental humour for you to get your pointy
head around - Jim ???

........... Phil