Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I2C acknowledgement problem and resistor pull-up

We are using a buffer for I2C interface signal's voltage level translation. Here our I2C host is OMAP3530 which is of 1.8V signal level and device is TVP5150AM1(video ADC) which is 3.3V signal level.So we are using TXS0104E for voltage translation which also supports I2C signals.
When we try to access the TVP5150AM1 from OMAP3530, we are not getting the acknowledgement from the processor side.
The internal pull-up of TXS0104E (at 3.3 V side) is 10K and the I2C lines of video ADC is 2K2.
what is the equivalent pull-up resistor we can put.
please comment on this....
