Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I Think I Missed The Memo


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Has something happed to the space/time continuum? Did I miss the memo? Was there a full blown forum alert that I missed??? Have inmates escaped from a high security insane asylum?

If you don't know what I'm talking about you've obviously missed the lengthy string of posts made by a nube on his first day with us. I've never read such interminable rambling babble in my entire life! Totally disconnected thought and sentences that challenge the mind's concept of infinity!

Initially, I thought he might be our young (crystal radio/guitar) friend but he doesn't endlessly type like this. Besides, that boy is somewhat coherent.

The only logic conclusion is that this is just the preliminary stages of a full blown Zombie Apocalypse! :eek:



Sadly passed away in 2015
LOL Chris :)

I assume you're talking about Mr. "anwaypasible" and his thread

Yes I had similar feelings. His posts are like a stream of consciousness, without the consciousness part. I think Steve summed it up pretty well when he said "I don't think I can provide the help you need."

I think my best advice to him would be, "You don't have to stop listening to the voices, but try to listen to just one at a time, OK?"


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
LOL Chris :)
Yes I had similar feelings. His posts are like a stream of consciousness, without the consciousness part.

Kris, it couldn't be anyone else unless we have more than one running loose on the forum :D
Now that's funny!

Chris, this is a fine example of our education systems today, and how they are "dumbing down" the kids.

Either that, or he was raised by hippies and they slipped something in his baby formula!


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
GE, we have to break beer together someday. In fact there are quite a few here that I'd like to do that with but most of them are across the pond. ;)

Yes, that young man is a product of a totally broken educational system that's been infiltrated by the demon seeds spawned from the Hippies, Yippies and Dippies. Their little brains are turned to protoplasm starting in Kindergarten! :eek:
