Maker Pro
Maker Pro

I need a datasheet

I need the datasheet for a specific microcontroler. It's a 80c51 serial and the complete number is 80C51FV568. It is used with Okidata RS-232 serial interface model 4YA4021-1050 rev. 7. The IC is built in a 44MQFP case and the name on it are OKI and INTEL.

I need the datasheet for that precise model, not an equivalent as I found when I search on Internet.

Thank you for the help.
Thank you for your answer. But I've already consult many datasheets but the problem is that each datasheet is for numerous µp. My problem is that I have to replace many 80C51 on rs-232 cards that have been defective following a thunderstorm. So I want to be sure that if a card doesn't work it won't be because of an incompatible replacement element.