Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Hydrogen Gas for cooking


David Williams

-> I was wondering about hydrogen gas used as the fuel for a gas stove?

In Britain, prior to about 1960 when natural gas from the North Sea
became available, the gas that was piped to houses for cooking, etc.
was "coal gas", made by heating coal. It was mostly hydrogen, although
it did contain some methane, carbon monoxide, and other gases.

It was a perfectly good fuel.



David said:
-> I was wondering about hydrogen gas used as the fuel for a gas stove?

In Britain, prior to about 1960 when natural gas from the North Sea
became available, the gas that was piped to houses for cooking, etc.
was "coal gas", made by heating coal. It was mostly hydrogen, although
it did contain some methane, carbon monoxide, and other gases.

It was a perfectly good fuel.

It was made by 'coking' coal.
