Maker Pro
Maker Pro

HP Mini 210 - 1030NR Won't power on, No power light, need voltage expert

I have a HP Mini 210 - 1030NR which won't turn on. There is no lights anywhere. Nothing happens when i press the power button.

I took out the hard drive and it works on my desktop. I took out the ram and tried to boot it up but nothing.

I am assuming it's probably a dead motherboard.

How can i test to see if the motherboard using a multi-meter?

I thought it was where you plug in the power adapter but I already tested some parts and i got 19V there, so i know it's not that.

I also tested where the battery is charged and it got .049v, so i know its working

But i tested the little white connector where the heatsink fan is going, but i didn't get any volts there, isnt there supposed to be some volts there?

I'm not sure whats wrong, anyone have any experience with power?
I'm not sure where else to test, im not an electricity expert






hi, welcome to EP :)

I thought it was where you plug in the power adapter but I already tested some parts and i got 19V there, so i know it's not that.

sounds good

I also tested where the battery is charged and it got .049v, so i know its working

0.049V is next to nothing so I would disagree with your working assessment

How can i test to see if the motherboard using a multi-meter?

other than the main power rails, nothing much else

I ordered a new motherboard from ebay and i finally got around to installing it,

it is working perfect! It seems it was a dead motherboard

too bad, i am unable to find out what's wrong with the old mother and if it even fixable

i wish i could fix it myself, im sure it is just a chip or something, seem like a waste to throw it out,

im sure there is someone around the world who could easily fix it and re-sell it,

anyways! it was a motherboard,

this is the last time i buy a computer without testing it first! but it was fun learning