I want to use an embedded or a plug computer to control an electric home door lock. I don't have any of the components yet, but it looks like the lock requires a 16VAC power supply. Assuming the computer has a USB interface, would I use something like this -- http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/powerswitch.html? And, if so, how would I mate the DC pins on the USB board to a switch on the AC circuit? I'm a total newbie regarding electronics.
I want to use an embedded or a plug computer to control an electric home door lock. I don't have any of the components yet, but it looks like the lock requires a 16VAC power supply. Assuming the computer has a USB interface, would I use something like this -- http://www.obdev.at/products/vusb/powerswitch.html? And, if so, how would I mate the DC pins on the USB board to a switch on the AC circuit? I'm a total newbie regarding electronics.