in fact yes it's stereo headphone, it was connected but the wires got lose and i want to do it the right way
what exactly do you mean?
A potentiometer used for audio purposes, often has a logarithmic taper.
As opposed to a linear taper potentiometer.
With a linear potentiometer, the resistance changes in a "linear" fashion to the position of the wiper.
So, at 1/4th rotation, 1/4th of the total resistance is measured at the wiper; at 1/2 the rotation, 1/2 the resistance is measured and so on.
But with an audio taper or logarithmic taper potentiometer, this is not so. With a logarithmic taper potentiometer, the amount of resistance measured at the wiper (the middle connector) increases logarithmically with the rotation. So, at 1/2 rotation it will have much less than 1/2 the resistance at the wiper and the amount of resistance will increase rapidly after the 1/2 point.
This is because... people like it that way; it gives them finer control in the first half of the rotation, but lets them "pour on the coal" in the second half of the rotation when they want the output loud.