Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to measure the settling time for a differential opamp with a load of 10pF?



Qns as above.

If you can't be bothered to write out the question in the body, why should
anyone bother to tell you how to do it?

The settling time is the time it takes for a step waveform to get within a
particular percentage of its final falue.




No. Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

Or at least a scope that leaves the last triggered trace up on the
screen. It is a very short event, with that load.

See definitions for the term "Critical Damping".


If you can't be bothered to write out the question in the body, why should
anyone bother to tell you how to do it?

Said the retarded troll ****.
The settling time is the time it takes for a step waveform to get within a
particular percentage of its final falue.

He didn't want a definition of what settling time is, dipass. He
asked how to observe and characterize it.

Roger Lascelles

Ground one of the differential inputs and apply a squarewave signal to other
input. Look at the output on the CRO and see how long it takes transitions
settle as close as you require to step value.

Then swap inputs and repeat check.

Then connect both inputs to the squarewave source and see how common mode
rejection handles the step. Of course, you application may only require
common mode rejection of DC or low frequencies.


John Larkin

No. Digital Storage Oscilloscope.

Or at least a scope that leaves the last triggered trace up on the
screen. It is a very short event, with that load.

Are you assuming you only get one chance to make the measurement?
Around here, we use pulse generators that *repeat* periodically.

To really resolve settling to fraction-percent levels, a Tek 7A13
differential comparator plugin is excellent, prefereably plugged into
a nice analog 7000-series mainframe. Adjust reprate for a nice image.


John Larkin

Said the retarded troll ****.

He didn't want a definition of what settling time is, dipass. He
asked how to observe and characterize it.



John Woodgate

I read in that John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandSNIP> wrote (in <uoprtvcvq9bhl0fi3dr95fr0s5v1ret6nf@>) about 'How to measure the settling time for a differential
opamp with a load of 10pF?', on Mon, 15 Dec 2003:
Adjust reprate for a nice image.

Reprate is what radical centrists do. No way to create a nice image.

Keith R. Williams

Are you assuming you only get one chance to make the measurement?

Wpuld you stick around with DimBulb experimenting on you?
Around here, we use pulse generators that *repeat* periodically.

Those would be fully-automatic pulse generators? DO you need a
license for these things? Does Slowman know these are legal?
To really resolve settling to fraction-percent levels, a Tek 7A13
differential comparator plugin is excellent, prefereably plugged into
a nice analog 7000-series mainframe. Adjust reprate for a nice image.

Oldies, but goodies. I remember staring at my first 7904, some
thirty years ago. Amazing beasties. ...and I couldn't find the
*ON* switch (a *large* bat-handle right in front of my eyes

John Larkin

Wpuld you stick around with DimBulb experimenting on you?

Good point. DampMatter can be, well, unsettling.
Those would be fully-automatic pulse generators?

Actually, we prefer the five-speed manual overdrive model. This gives
superior control and better cornering.
DO you need a
license for these things? Does Slowman know these are legal?

They are not EC compliant, if that's what you mean.
Oldies, but goodies. I remember staring at my first 7904, some
thirty years ago. Amazing beasties. ...and I couldn't find the
*ON* switch (a *large* bat-handle right in front of my eyes

Dirt cheap on ebay these days.



No digital storage needed, Dimbulb.

For a single pulse.. Yes. Must be captured, not just guessed at.

You overshot, and are reflecting noise ringing, you should be
critically damped.


I read in that John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandSNIP> wrote (in <uoprtvcvq9bhl0fi3dr95fr0s5v1ret6nf@>) about 'How to measure the settling time for a differential
opamp with a load of 10pF?', on Mon, 15 Dec 2003:

Reprate is what radical centrists do. No way to create a nice image.

Don't you mean that it is what body builders do?


If you can't be bothered to write out the question in the body, why should
anyone bother to tell you how to do it? [snip]

The settling time is the time it takes for a step waveform to get within a
particular percentage of its final falue.

He didn't want a definition of what settling time is, dipass. He
asked how to observe and characterize it.

I've never heard (or seen) the term "dipass" before. And the OP didn't say
anything about "observing" or "characterizing."

Anyway, Once one knows what settling time is, measuring it is easy. If the
OP knows what settling time is, but can't figure out how to measure it,
then he shouldn't be cross-posting to


John Woodgate

I read in that DarkMatter <DarkMatter@thebaratthe> wrote (in <hk3ttv4gp5vc98h2mft9ao0in6s4jovshq@4ax.
com>) about 'How to measure the settling time for a differential opamp
with a load of 10pF?', on Mon, 15 Dec 2003:
Don't you mean that it is what body builders do?

No. Sometimes it's spelt with a hyphen ' re-prate'.

The problem with Sloman's Theory of Deadpan Comedy is that people don't
even see there's a joke there.


I've never heard (or seen) the term "dipass" before. And the OP didn't say
anything about "observing" or "characterizing."

Read the title of the post again, dufus, I am not responsible for
your poorly developed vocabulary.

To measure:

"the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by

If that isn't "observe, and characterize" then the school you went
to needs to shoot you.

Observe.. Measure.

Characterize... determine settling time... through observation.

Doh! Gettinzeclue.