Qns as above.
John Larkin said:Oscilloscope.
Qns as above.
If you can't be bothered to write out the question in the body, why should
anyone bother to tell you how to do it?
The settling time is the time it takes for a step waveform to get within a
particular percentage of its final falue.
No. Digital Storage Oscilloscope.
Or at least a scope that leaves the last triggered trace up on the
screen. It is a very short event, with that load.
Said the retarded troll ****.
He didn't want a definition of what settling time is, dipass. He
asked how to observe and characterize it.
Adjust reprate for a nice image.
No shit.Oscilloscope.
Are you assuming you only get one chance to make the measurement?
Around here, we use pulse generators that *repeat* periodically.
To really resolve settling to fraction-percent levels, a Tek 7A13
differential comparator plugin is excellent, prefereably plugged into
a nice analog 7000-series mainframe. Adjust reprate for a nice image.
No shit.
Wpuld you stick around with DimBulb experimenting on you?
Those would be fully-automatic pulse generators?
DO you need a
license for these things? Does Slowman know these are legal?
Oldies, but goodies. I remember staring at my first 7904, some
thirty years ago. Amazing beasties. ...and I couldn't find the
*ON* switch (a *large* bat-handle right in front of my eyes
...and I couldn't find the
*ON* switch (a *large* bat-handle right in front of my eyes
No digital storage needed, Dimbulb.
I read in sci.electronics.design that John Larkin <jjlarkin@highlandSNIP
techTHISnologyPLEASE.com> wrote (in <uoprtvcvq9bhl0fi3dr95fr0s5v1ret6nf@
4ax.com>) about 'How to measure the settling time for a differential
opamp with a load of 10pF?', on Mon, 15 Dec 2003:
Reprate is what radical centrists do. No way to create a nice image.
If you can't be bothered to write out the question in the body, why should
anyone bother to tell you how to do it? [snip]
The settling time is the time it takes for a step waveform to get within a
particular percentage of its final falue.
He didn't want a definition of what settling time is, dipass. He
asked how to observe and characterize it.
Don't you mean that it is what body builders do?
I've never heard (or seen) the term "dipass" before. And the OP didn't say
anything about "observing" or "characterizing."