Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to connect led light with mobile headphones


I am trying to connect 1 led light with mobile headphones on a power source of 5V. The headphone has mic and button , I have cut the wire & removed the enamel coating, The jack part has 5 wire, red, green, blue, 2 ground and the other part ( removed speaker ) has with blue and ground and red and ground I tried various combination but does not work ?

Please suggest some tip....



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I think I would have prefered the LED to come on via the power switch before I started cutting wires!!
I don't there is enough current from the audio wires to even power a LED.

@Colin Mitchell - thanks, but it confusing, copper wire to the - short led (negative connection), blue wire to led ( for positive connection ) , from the 5 wire which should be connected to the battery ?

@martinaine - is TIP31 transactor required ?
@martinaine - is TIP31 transactor required ?
You have obviously been watching many youtube videos.

Try Colin's suggestion. It's not confusing at all.
The led has two legs A long and shorter leg. The short leg is negative (cathode) the long er leg is the positive (anode)'
Connect the cathode to a ground (common) wire and the anode to any colour one by one.
With volume very loud and the jack connected to headphone in, you may get the led to flicker.
right i did tried some other reference, but still not able to get the right one's....

transistor will be required ? can the led glow constant onn ? or flicker....
right i did tried some other reference, but still not able to get the right one's....

transistor will be required ? can the led glow constant onn ? or flicker....
OK, let's start from the beginning and try to understand each other.
First of all YOU need to know what all the wires are that you cut.
And you also need to know what you want the led to do!
Do you want it on? Or to flicker?
I doubt a transistor is required, but probably just a resistor.

Are your cordless headphones audio or gamers/pc with a mic?
Are they stereo or mono?
Where have you cut the cable? From the jack to the headphones?
Or have you opened up the headphones and cut just one side where mic and speaker are?
What button are you talking about? power? mono/stereo? PTT?

Sorry to be so vague, but you have not really told us much at all.

i have cut the wire from the mobile headphone jack with mic and button on it, also both left and right speaker is cut.

I want it to be onn and when i press the button on wire turned to be off, if possible

it a mobile headphone with mic and button

stereo , sorry not sure

the button on wire with mic ...the bunch with 5 wire is of the of speaker respectively..pic for ref..



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This is going to be hard work.

Can I ask another question before I sit down with pen and paper to work this out.?

Why did you butcher your headphones like this?

At least I now understand the difference between mobile and cordless headphones.

So I suppose the 5volt you mentioned is from the usb output from your phone?
Please answer as accurately as you can.
I will try and help you re-build these with a red light. It may not be pretty or practical but hey.

i was just trying it,...the led just worked once...but little dime...then it didn't worked at all...might i forget the right connection....:)

butchering the wires was just testing it.....

i want them from any battery source only....

I interpreted mobile headphones as 'wireless / cordless' headphones.
butchering the wires was just testing it.....
Do you have a multimeter to check the wires?

Can you take another picture of all 3 cut ends so I can see the colours too?
Did you make a note of what colour went where?
Was there a usb connector on the end?

Just wondering, because you mentioned 5 volts. (I thought that was the internal battery to 'cordless' headphones).

i was just trying it,...the led just worked once...but little dime...then it didn't worked at all...might i forget the right connection....:)
Again, this is why I mentioned the 5 volts and probably just a resistor.
What battery are you using?
You may have damaged the led without a resistor.

sorry i tried with my multi meter...but its not working...nor i have made a note of all the connections..sorry.again..

I rechecked the led its working fine.... and its power source mobile adapter itself of 4.3V of 70mA

Could be low power source from the adapter towards headphone wire to the led ?

please recheck the pic for ref....



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new updates...i increased the power supply from other battery to 7.4 V - 800mA with a resistor to the led . With red and copper wire . The led glows but dim... will give any other updates soon...

sorry i tried with my multi meter...but its not working..
What? the meter or the way you are using it?
What led are you using? 5mm red? If you are you need a 130 to 200Ω resistor.
Or you will damage it.
The 5v or 4.3v will be more than enough..Depends on the led.
It looks like the red and common, blue and common are the headphone speakers.
The green and common the mic.
Does the 'button' have a volume control or press to talk?
Put your meter on 'continuity' and check the green wire (end to end). Then press the 'button' . What happens?
Do the same with the red wire and turn the volume control up and down. What happens?
Do the same with blue. What happens?
sorry the multi meter is not working. Its a white 5 mm led light...and a resistor .

It didn't work with the 4.3V adapter but from the other 7.4 V battery .

red and common, blue and common are the headphone speakers.--- right

The green and common the mic - right

press to talk - function

Put your meter on 'continuity' and check .....sorry millimeter is not working difficult to test...

But when i tested the headphone button with adapter ...(a small light with adapter on it ) blinks when i press the headphone button....

Some further tips....The led light glows but dim with 7.4V battery only...i think the max volt is 5V for the led.

the led glows...but when i try to connect mic and ground wire...and press the button nothing happens to the led constants onn ?

will need the correct wire paring to work like on/off button ?

brown black orange color resistor...buying the meter is okay..but again not sure i will use them again...

I think the resistor you are using is 10,000Ω or 10k.
You need one in the hundreds, not thousands.

As for not needing a meter again!!!! The way you butcher things!!
You need one right now!!!