Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How To Annoy Those Helping You Out

I ned hlp plz gyz.

Curtains r fadein.can somone plz plz hlp?
de Cows dn't sleep and dey r so tyred dey w'nt let da milk flow.

I ned to turn "daylight savings" off.

trid turning off on my iPhone den I synced with home pc but de sun stil stays up 4 1 houre longer each day.I muzt B doing some tink rong. plz help its a mater of lif and deth.if de sun khepz steyinb up and houre loger ech day then son their Will bee kno knight.I dnt hat knight or luv son.I juzt wnt eqalitie knights and daze

PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZ hlp me! I get 2 day existiension lead from my prof but I havn't started yet and its due tomorrow in 4 hourez. plz dis is my last chnce 2 not fluke out

pLZ hlp a m8 out an juz tellz me how is it dat I turn dwn daylight savings.
In Essay format if itz no trouglez for youz as yo smartzer dan meself
It's a close call between a bad british accent and an aussie accent, i'm english living in australia but i refuse to use slang from either nation, makes you sound dumber than you actually a are
Ah wisht ah cud spik hear with an ack-cent.

I've written a windows and android app to do just that lol

"this is a demo of the personality translator for electronicspoint to give you an idea of how it works"

Then pick the personality eg pirate

this here me hearties be a demo o' th' personality translator fer electronicspoint t' put forth ya an idea o' how th' blasted sea urchin works

Or Einstein etc

dis reality is a demo uff das personality translator for electronicspoint to give you an idea uff how it works

I have a windows version somewhere, a little less buggy too lol


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My pet peeve here is people who take up a whole paragraph without even mentioning why they're posting.

I know a lot less electronics than most of the gurus here, but I have a lot of expertise on alarm systems that most electronics gurus don't have. So I look for posters with an alarm system question/problem. Don't take this the wrong way, but all the electronics training in the world won't help if you don't know how alarm systems are assembled or what protocols the various systems use, and by their nature, they are all customized. You can't buy an "alarm system" and take it out of the box to install. You buy the components, and install it in your home (or other premises) before it's a system; and there are a myriad of ways the same components can be assembled, so I often have to ask for clarification before I can diagnose the problem.

So I feel I have a contribution to make here, once in awhile. I spend most of my Net time on DIY Alarm forums, but I like to check in here.

They way I search the threads for alarm system questions/problems is to hover on the subject line to see the first few lines of the post. Consider this recent post:
"Hi everyone. My electronics experience doesn't extend much beyond an electronics kit as a child and what I learned in college physics and computer design courses, so I'm a complete beginner here - go easy on me :)"

So to see if he was posting in about a problem I could help with, I had to open the thread and read beyond his introductory lines. When I'm trying to check all the new posts, that's a bit of a bother. Like donkey, I would really appreciate it if new posters would name their question/problem right away. Or even better, put it in the title.

Oh, and my favorite Title Line? "Please Help!!!!" For all we know, poster wants help getting gophers out of his lawn.
Or maybe has an abusive boyfriend.
Perhaps Ian can update the EULA or TOS or whatever we call our rules to include language that specifies clear titles and appropriately locating posts. Then he can include a filter to trash any posts with 'please' or 'help' in title! :D

Your User Name is appropriate, chopnhack. :eek:
I wouldn't mind a title that reads, "Please help with my alarm system!!!!" I'd even tolerate all the superfluous exclamation marks. Just so I know the subject under consideration.


Perhaps Ian can update the EULA or TOS or whatever we call our rules to include language that specifies clear titles and appropriately locating posts. Then he can include a filter to trash any posts with 'please' or 'help' in title! :D

hmmm tempting
But actually, a comment added to the forum rules about not using text speak wouldn't go amiss

Only today I had to again ask one very helpful (in a good way) member to cut back of the rubbish text throughout all his otherwise excellent posts
It just detracts from the technical quality of what he is posting

Its also really annoying when someone likes every post in a thread.

Hypothetically. If one was to unlike a post. Would one have to wait to like it again and send another notification? If so how long?


Hop - AC8NS
Only today I had to again ask one very helpful (in a good way) member to cut back of the rubbish text throughout all his otherwise excellent posts
It just detracts from the technical quality of what he is posting

If the member you are referring to was me, I didn't get any of those memos.o_O
"Rubbish text"? Whazzat? Examples please. 100 words or less.:D