Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How to add bypass cap in a pots used as rheostat

you guys know that to use it as a rheostat we tie the pin 1 and 2 together..

but how to put a bypass cap like in here?


should i put it in pin 1 and 2 also?

or pin 1 and 3???


hi there

but you are showing the cap across R1 ... well almost the top of the cap isnt connected
R1 is a fixed resistor so it only has 2 wire legs, so there is no choice to consider


Harald Kapp

Dave, R1 is supposed to be a linear pot. The wiper is just not shown in the conventional way, cf. R3.

@Electronoobz: what are pins 1, 2 and 3?
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Dave, R1 is supposed to be a linear pot. The wiper is just not shown in the conventional way, cf. R3.

well that's pretty flamin' dopey huh, how the heck is some one supposed to know its a trimpot when the diag shows it as a fixed resistor

parts list R1 2k linear isnt really good enough :rolleyes:



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Well, nothing here seems to be connected as a rheostat (variable resistor).

Of course, unless R2 is variable.

Place an arrow on those leads indicating they're a wiper.