Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How much current does a flashlight battery offer?


Ken Smith

Ken Weitzel said:
Think of capacity not in terms of volume, but
rather as a function of exposed surface area.

No, think of it more like "useful volume". A paper thin electrode has to
have more area than a slightly thicker one. Its how many atoms you can
change the chemical condition of before the battery runs out that
determines the mAH of a battery. The active area is more important to the
max current numbers.

The Phantom

No, think of it more like "useful volume". A paper thin electrode has to
have more area than a slightly thicker one.

I opened up a current production AA NiMH and measured the thickness
of the two wrapped up plates. One was .02 inches and the other was
..035 inches thick.

Its how many atoms you can