Maker Pro
Maker Pro

How do you attached a transistor to this digital output?


Can someone please show me how to correctly attach a transistor or relay to this photosensitive sensor's digital output?
I would like the digital output to close a circuit for example, a LED light.

Working voltage 3.3V-5V
the output format: Digital switching output (0 and 1)
Size:32 x 13 x 7mm(L x W x H)
Net weight:2g
Package weight:12g

Thanks in advance!
here is the circuit, just a quick drawing sorry.

Harald Kapp

Sorry I didn't make myself clear enough: We need the circuit diagram of the PCB to know what the available output looks like so we can recommend how to connect a transistor or solid state relay.
is a mosfet transistor better?, i dont want to take away any current away from the device that is doing the triggering.
I think transistors need some electrical current to activate right?

Harald Kapp

A MOSFET that is turned on by 3.3V gate voltage is not so easy to come by.
A load of 100mA requires a base current of 1mA (assuming a Dc currrent gain of 100). Your output should be able to deliver that bit of current without problems.
ok thanks Harald, ill stick with transistors. which resistor needs the least amount of current to trigger? sorry, ill read the transistor tutorial soon.
does the R1 resistor of 50 Ohm halves the current required?

If you reduce the resistor value from 220 to 50 Ohm the current passing through becomes 4 times more.

Because we don't know the maximum output current of DO pin, then we have to do trial and error. That is why I started with 220 and told you to reduce it to let more amount of base current pass through.

2N3904 has maximum DC gain (h_FE=300) so if you get 1mA out of DO pin, then that circuit I posted can easily drive your 100mA load.
you can also use BC548C transistor with more DC current gain (h_FE=800).