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Maker Pro

How can I light a led from a scanner lamp using 1,25 V X 0.054 ma input ?

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Hello to all !
Maybe the question "How can I light a led from a scanner lamp using 1,25 V X 0.054 ma input (VIMUN SC - 3012 mini solar panel) ?" it looks strange at the first view.
A lot of people will ask "why you wish to do this" ? -because I have a strange hobby small AC and Dc generators, ok, probably you will say " use a step up booster" - it will not work :(. I made a test with a low consumption motor + a coil and I've made that led glow a little bit ( I am not satisfied of the obtained results...... )
Do you know another way to make that led light r ?

Thx to all



  • sphere motor circuit.jpg
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    VIMUN SC 3012.jpg
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You have 67 microwatts available. You might be able to light an LED enough to see it barely glowing in a darkened room. If you expect more than that, you ate out of luck.

Hello Harald !
Thx for the advice !

converter - it will not work , because there's hardly any power at all from that panel , trying to increase it's voltage means you reduce it's current (plus losses as well ), as it stands the solar panel can't generate enough power to start the converter.

Joule thief - due to the extremely low current the chances are almost 1 % to succeed .

In your opinion is it possible to light that led with the mentioned input ?

THX st
You have 67 microwatts available. You might be able to light an LED enough to see it barely glowing in a darkened room. If you expect more than that, you ate out of luck.

Hy Bob !

Thx for the answer !
I am in this point (see the video ) and it is look great for the moment I can see the led in a lighted room and I am not satisfied , I know that 67 microwatts are 67 mircowatts but there has to be a way (The question is if I can kill more current than I already did, to win voltage )
In your opinion it will work with a Joule Thief ?
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Accept that you're not going to get the brightness you want when you have less power than it takes to get there.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There is plenty of power there to switch a load using a transistor.

That signal can be used to switch power from another source, say a 9v battery.
I am trying to finalyze an educative toy, an "office toy " which can spin quite fast and make a led glow constant. It is finalised 90 %, refering at functionality, not at the design,I am not satisfied with the glowing of the led. When the light is opened in the office the sphere will start at low rotation then it will spin faster and faster untill is reaching the max speed offered by the input and the led starts glow. The input should remain Vimun solar panel max 67 micro watts, a single panel.
Can it be done with an electronic circuit after the rectifier ( 2,5 V DC availabe) ?
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