Maker Pro
Maker Pro

hospital yet again


If u dont see me around moch over next few days or so.....
i was admitted to hospital earlier today



This is the pits :(
4 days in here and they have no idea what is causing the problems

I get released today (Saturday) and am just as ill as I was when admitted
I am so over it ... just want to call it quits :(

several doctors in 2 different hospitals haven't a clue



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I have only one piece of advice: Don't take advice from people like me who don't know what they're talking about.

But seriously, I hope there is a good resolution soon. My wife went to see numerous specialists for her shoulder pain until the physiotherapist associated with one of the shoulder specialists realised what it was and ran off to get the specialist who "confirmed" it was brachial plexus neuropathy. It was an unusual presentation, but the classic test confirmed it. It was a differential diagnosis that was discounted due to the presentation. Once that was diagnosed, the rest of her symptoms fell into another classic shoulder problem and both issues were able to be addressed.

I know she would relate to the "I'm so over it" feeling. In her case it certainly wasn't going to go away by itself, and perseverance paid off. I hope you have the same success.
I hope they have consulted the world's greatest doctor, Dr. Google for his opinion.;)

Seriously though, best wishes from across the ditch. Hope you get well soon.
We feel for you. It's a frustrating place to be. Even if the medical team does not know what is causing your ailments, it's good to be there where they can keep you hydrated and monitor your vitals.

Regards, John
PS: Earplugs will help you ignore all the strange noises so you can get some sleep.
Hi Dave, sorry I am late to the party and sorry to hear for your ailment and troubles with the health care system. I hope you can find someone that has seen your condition or similar and be able to give you a course of therapy. Speedy resolution!!
Don't you DARE give-up. A lot of people depend on you besides us.
You've got some clueless doctors. That isn't unusual. That doesn't leave you free to stop fighting.
Don't get despondent, get mad and figure-out a way to have some other doctor look at you.
You aren't going to let the mediocre win are you?
You didn't get to be this damned good in electronics without working at it.
Work this.
Get after whoever you have to, and fight back.


Don't you DARE give-up. A lot of people depend on you besides us.
You've got some clueless doctors. That isn't unusual. That doesn't leave you free to stop fighting.

its just got to that point after so many years and so many unresolved health issues
This isn't the only significant and ongoing health hassle --- they could write a big book
on all my health hassles ;)

Don't get despondent, get mad and figure-out a way to have some other doctor look at you.

this cardiac professor and his registrar doc were the "some other doctors"
my previous cardiac specialist ( who loved to charge me $300+) just to walk in his door is supposed to be
one of the top guys in the country. So after getting sick of him telling me there wasn't much he could do
and charging me an arm and a leg to do that. I finally went to my GP and said we need to try some one else

So we arranged an appointment and went there last Wednesday (20th may) and they could see the problems
and decided to admit me there and then for further tests and observation. This was encouraging for me to have some one else taking it seriously. but come last fri nite and a bunch of top tests, I was greeted with the news that they couldn't find anything significantly wrong with my heart, lungs or renal system to explain the ongoing and increasing chest pain, gasping for breath and fluid retention.
I just broke down !! :( I couldn't believe it ... I would have preferred that they find something wrong with my heart etc so that at least they had something they could on and heal ... instead nada - nothing - zilch

So I left hospital after 4 days feeling just as ill as I was when I was admitted

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My dad just hit 85 years old. He lives close to one of my brothers. He's got medical problems and the docs warned my brother a few times already that 'this last problem' could very well be one that there was nothing they
could do to save him. That started about 10 years ago.
My dad hears what he's told and figures that's THEIR opinion, and since it's a one-way opinion, he ain't gonna prove 'em right.
He watches the medications they give him, some of which he finds-out they shouldn't have prescribed by his reations, and meticulously maintains his body like it was a prized delicate machine.
He's determined to get as much mileage out of that machine as God grants him.
I'm a tech like you. I don't know as much as you, but I know that I've NEVER found an instrument I couldn't repair. Sure some were too expensive to repair, so I didn't. But I knew what was needed to fix it.
Did you ever let an instrument beat you? Did you ever find one that was just too much of a problem that you couldn't figure-out because it was beyond you?
I doubt it.
You're waking around in a machine right now that's got multiple issues. It needs maintenance, not a trip to the trash bin. Are you going to let it beat you?
I'm no doctor, but this is the first thing that comes to mind about your situation:
My dad has to take a dozen or more pills for different things every day. There have been times when I thought he was suffering from dementia, and it turned-out to be the pills he was on, and they needed to be
swapped for a different prescription. I've seen depression, that also turned-out to be due to medications, that needed to be changed.
Is it possible that pills you're on might need to be changed for physical or mental/emotional acuity?
Are any of these doctors looking at the pills you're on to see if there are any undesireable side-effects, or complications from interaction with one another?
Are one or more of the pills themselves, CAUSING physical reactions that are complicating your symptoms?
I know what happened when they brought the extra doctors in to re-evaluate your condition. They went with what the origianl doctor diagnosed, not wanting to ruffle feathers.
My oldest boy was diagnosed with allergies when he was a child. I kept going back to the same doctor office but would occasionally get different doctors because the original doctor would have the day off.
ALL of them kept just reinforcing the original doctor diagnosis, telling me to just keep giving my boy the allergy medicine and wait. None of them seriously considered checking any alternative.
When the boy became so lathargic that he didn't even respond to me anymore it scared the hell out of me.
I fought back and went to a completely different doctor office. That doc checked the boy. He didn't have allergies, he had pneumonia.
I know you've got heart and other issues that are valid. The docs you saw ran tests and said they can find nothing wrong.
Maybe one of your meds is causing reactions in your body, and needs to be replaced with something different.
I'll tell you right now the difference I see in your post, compared to my dad's attitude.
He doesn't even consider 'giving-up'. It's not an option that even enteres his mind. You need to get it out of yours.
Life is slapping you down right now. You gonna provide needed maintenance to your equipment, or let it slide?
ATTITUDE is what makes a good tech. Not letting problems kick your butt.
You need an attitude adjustment right now, find somebody who'll provide it.
Do you go to church? Anybody there you can talk to?
Don't give up on the search for solutions to your physical symptoms, but change your attitude about being determined to do something about it.
All of my married aunts and uncles died within a year of one another. One died and the other one didn't have any medical issues, they just gave up after losing their spouses.
If you don't buck-up for this fight, attitude will do more damage than any physical issues that are bringing you down.
You get one shot at life. This is it. Hold onto it until the Big Man upstairs says otherwise, ... not you.
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