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Honeywell pulling Intellisense from independent distributors?



I'm looking for a good pet safe PIR and think dual technology, like
the Intellisense DT500, is what I want. However, I heard Honeywell is
pulling their Intellisense line from independent distributors. Anyone
else heard this? And is the DT500 a good detector, or are there
others you like better?

Frank Olson

tim said:
I'm looking for a good pet safe PIR and think dual technology, like
the Intellisense DT500, is what I want. However, I heard Honeywell is
pulling their Intellisense line from independent distributors. Anyone
else heard this? And is the DT500 a good detector, or are there
others you like better?

Have a look at the Paradox line. They've got one of the best pet resistant
sensors on the market.


Thanks - do you know of a good dual technology pet safe sensor? It
looks like the paradox pets safe is only PIR.


Although the Paradox is certainly not the only good pet motion, it IS an
excellent choice. I have probably 600 to 1000 of these installed, and rarely
do I have trouble with pets. The ONLY time I have had trouble is if the
client brings in a short haired dog which is approaching the upper limit of
80 pounds, coupled with a "hard environment"...

But I've never had a DOA, nor have I had one fail in service. You could do
far worse....

BTW: Their panels are equally solid....Esprit (later than version 2.2),
Spectra and Digiplex. Personally, I have now standardized on the Spectra
with the LCD keypad. And I absolutely LOVE their wireless......superb range,
and easy as hell to program ! I have 500 of their Esprit panels in service
and they are BULLETPROOF ! I have about 150 of the DSC panels of all types,
and they give me far more trouble (just for the record)....

Home Security Metal Products
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Nowhere665 said:
The best of all is the Paradox DG-75, will do the job for pets bellow 90lbs
and there is absolutely no false alarms with those. I have a few hundreds of
those installed without having any problem and the price is good also.

Has a note of interest to all other alarm companies in this forum, I know
how difficult it is to find reliable low cost PIR in this market that will
keep your techs from going back to premise for falsing PIRs. Try to find a
local distributor who sells Paradox and give them a try, you'll probably
never go back to what you are currently installing for PIRs.


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Lemme tell you a little story !! Some time ago, it is rumoured that Paradox
was approached by ADT with the intent to buy the company ( I say rumoured
only because I haven't been able to personally verify this happened, but I'm
pretty sure from others it did....) The gentleman who owns the company...a
young guy about 35, and a real entrepreneur in his own right....saw the
sharks for what they are and refused to sell for a number of reasons related
to personal feelings and sound business tactics.

So now, when you talk to one of the ADT sales types (I hate to slander sales
types by calling ADT sharks "salesmen" ), and you tell them you have Paradox
equipment, they tell you it is "garbage" and should be replaced ! But here
in Canada, they are now standardizing on DSC equipment (which in my personal
opinion is inferior generally speaking) because the holding company Tyco,
owns both ADT and DSC. With these guys, they'll say anything if it's in
their best interests to do so, and to hell with the truth !!!!!!

Hmmm...I wonder if that's why they have all those DSC software engineers
working on new equipment models for ADT......

Home Security Metal Products
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


RH.Campbell said:
Lemme tell you a little story !! Some time ago, it is rumoured that Paradox
was approached by ADT with the intent to buy the company ( I say rumoured
only because I haven't been able to personally verify this happened, but I'm
pretty sure from others it did....) The gentleman who owns the company...a
young guy about 35, and a real entrepreneur in his own right....saw the
sharks for what they are and refused to sell for a number of reasons related
to personal feelings and sound business tactics.

Good for him!
So now, when you talk to one of the ADT sales types (I hate to slander sales
types by calling ADT sharks "salesmen" ), and you tell them you have Paradox
equipment, they tell you it is "garbage" and should be replaced ! But here
in Canada, they are now standardizing on DSC equipment (which in my personal
opinion is inferior generally speaking) because the holding company Tyco,
owns both ADT and DSC. With these guys, they'll say anything if it's in
their best interests to do so, and to hell with the truth !!!!!!

I think you misinterpreted that... ADT doesn't send down a memo saying "tell
everyone who asks that Paradox is crap"... Just doesn't work that way... If
they are saying it, it's because they honestly believe its crap...

Tyco owns DSC? New one on me...
Hmmm...I wonder if that's why they have all those DSC software engineers
working on new equipment models for ADT......

Ademco has historically made new equipment for ADT... DSC and others just
stencil the ADT brand name on the equipment... Sometimes ADT will negotiate
for a "special" feature on a panel, but, basically, they are just paying for
the R&D to make that change and you guys get it a year or two later...

Mark Leuck

Tyco owns DSC? New one on me...

Damn where have you been? :)

They've owned DSC for at least 2 years now
Ademco has historically made new equipment for ADT... DSC and others just
stencil the ADT brand name on the equipment... Sometimes ADT will negotiate
for a "special" feature on a panel, but, basically, they are just paying for
the R&D to make that change and you guys get it a year or two later...

DSC does make a proprietary 1555 for ADT although most are still stock and
you are correct in the special features stuff. The parts I can think of
offhand that ADT influenced are

Vista-15PMT v2
Encrypted keyfobs for ITI

Sometimes being the big kid on the block has advantages


No, I don't believe ADT willfully put out a memo or some such thing stating
that either. In any organization, there is what is called a "lateral
grapevine" where information speads more quickly across lines of
organization than in any vertical, official capacity. However, if someone in
authority said as much unofficially, that spreads within an organization
quickly ! And sales will pick up on any information they can that will
assist them in making a sale.

And frankly, seeing what I have of ADT over the last 10 years that I have
beeing a third party dealer, and also having to interface with them in all
manner on behalf of the few accounts I still have there, I am NOT impressed
!! (and especially so with their sales staff / dealer program ). Believe me,
this is the least of the "misinformation" that has come back to me from
disbelieving clients who have been told all manner of nonsense on home
security by their sharks !!

If I said what I REALLY think, my post would end up pornography ! So I'll
leave it at that !!



Mark Leuck said:
Damn where have you been? :)

They've owned DSC for at least 2 years now

Actually, I work for ADT, but I never seen ANY DSC parts... Then again, I'm
in Core Commercial...


VSS DOUG said:
I don't believe for a minute that ADT sends down a memo, neither do I believe
that the salesman honestly believes its crap, the unfortunate truth is that
some people in sales say whatever they think will help them clinch the deal.

Definition of "salesman" I guess...

Mark Leuck

These are for residential, they have a proprietary version of the 1555 but
most of the time its just rebranded, no idea if they've moved to the 1555MX

RH.Campbell've either not given Paradox equipment a fair
are like many who still hold a grudge over their first disastrous foray into
alarm systems (bad reputations die hard !!).....or....perhaps you work for

For whatever reason, your "opinion" is quite wrong ! I speak from first hand
experience with it and I can tell you it is anything but crap !! I've staked
my business and service reputation on it, and so far I'm doing just fine
thank you !!

But now that ADT has their hands in DSC, I've also pretty much made up my
mind to abandon any more installations using that line of
equipment....quality control has since gone to hell !! And if you really
want to be convinced, simply take a tour through each factory as I have done
several times, and look at the manufacturing techniques both companies use,
and it's clear even to the untrained eye, which is "superior" equipment !!
That's part of the reason why they sell worldwide in 41 different countries
and why they are the biggest selling alarm manufacturer in Brazil !!

Frankly, they don't need me or anyone else waving their flag ! But neither
do they need unfair criticism based on lack of fact from someone who's
knowledge of their equipment is left only to our imagination....



Never seen it except for one I ripped off the wall and replaced with a F200

It went to the city dump, I'm sure... Don't remember if anyone locally had
an opinion either way on it...


RH.Campbell said:'ve either not given Paradox equipment a fair
are like many who still hold a grudge over their first disastrous foray into
alarm systems (bad reputations die hard !!).....or....perhaps you work for

Hey, I work for ADT and consider myself to have a fairly open mind... I
don't bash equipment I haven't seen... BUT if I were in sales and the
customer had called me to replace the system, I'd be walking in already
assuming there is a REASON they called... I have no opin either way on the
Paradox, but just as you say ADT likes to bash other equipment, alot of you
like to bash ADT... Like some salesman at XYZ Alarmco (fictitious name not
meant to reflect negatively on any company that may actually use that name)
didn't pull the same crap on our panels or the Paradox or whatever was in
there that they wanted to replace for $$$.
For whatever reason, your "opinion" is quite wrong ! I speak from first hand
experience with it and I can tell you it is anything but crap !! I've staked
my business and service reputation on it, and so far I'm doing just fine
thank you !!

But now that ADT has their hands in DSC, I've also pretty much made up my
mind to abandon any more installations using that line of
equipment....quality control has since gone to hell !! And if you really
want to be convinced, simply take a tour through each factory as I have done
several times, and look at the manufacturing techniques both companies use,
and it's clear even to the untrained eye, which is "superior" equipment !!
That's part of the reason why they sell worldwide in 41 different countries
and why they are the biggest selling alarm manufacturer in Brazil !!

Did ADT buy DSC or did Tyco? There IS a difference, believe it or not...
Tyco owns several security manufacturers that I, working at ADT, have never
seen at all... Often we install equipment from Tyco competitors...
Frankly, they don't need me or anyone else waving their flag ! But neither
do they need unfair criticism based on lack of fact from someone who's
knowledge of their equipment is left only to our imagination....


Not saying you are overreacting to satguy, but you did see it as an
opportunity to bash ADT (which may or may not be deserved sometimes but
certainly not all the time). ...had to defend.


Ranger IS, for all intents and purposes, ADT.

thesatguy said:
Those 1555mx's they make for Ranger American will only answer the phone if
you set them for ONE ring - if you set them to answer on any other number of
rings they won't answer which means you end up replacing them so you can
dial up your panel if you need to

Most likely Tyco will shut down the DCS operation in Canada within a month
or so now that the manufacturing has been moved to China and Tyco has
announced plans to close most of the manufacturing plants here.

In this area they got rid of all their ADT Dealers except two so those ADT
panels just sit on the shelves now at distributors cause Ranger gets
everything direct.


I'm looking for a good pet safe PIR and think dual technology, like
the Intellisense DT500, is what I want. However, I heard Honeywell is
pulling their Intellisense line from independent distributors. Anyone
else heard this? And is the DT500 a good detector, or are there
others you like better?

I've installed plenty of Optex MX-40PI's with no problems. Quad logic,
dual technology and rated at 100lb. pet immunity. Also has a ..."built
in 'anti-crosstalk system,' preventing interference from matching
microwave frequencies in a single area....".


Mark Leuck

thesatguy said:
Those 1555mx's they make for Ranger American will only answer the phone if
you set them for ONE ring - if you set them to answer on any other number of
rings they won't answer which means you end up replacing them so you can
dial up your panel if you need to

Thats not true at all, I get into Ranger American stuff all the time. Also
Ranger bought the old central station from Centex so I'd imagine they won't
be long with ADT

Mark Leuck

Aegis said:
Ranger IS, for all intents and purposes, ADT.

Nope, still an independent ADT dealer but I imagine they will go back to
self-monitoring soon


I hear ya... I see alot of that... That's, actually, the main reason I visit
this NG and some websites. Plus I maintain contact with those who have left
ADT, and a few who have never been here. I refuse to outdate myself to
maintain my job. I'm also known for "rocking the boat" at work by pushing
alternatives to the regularly installed equipment. Chatting with the
salesmen and informing them of products which will work better for the
application they are pushing is a fun part of my workday. Every once in a
while it actually sinks in and I'll see my recommendations put into the

My branch may be far different than where you were though.

If our guys have to choose between the ADT way and the Texas Way, well...
Texans don't usually like being told by 'outsiders' how to do things in our
homeland. :)

Nowhere665 said:
You know where the problem lies???

When ADT hires tech and/or sales people, usually they will work there for
very long time and the fact that ADT is limitting its product range more and
more to their own DSC (appart from the Focus systems), these tech and sales
people looses connection (or never connect) with the outside world and don't
keep themselves aware of the products available out there because they are
too busy fixing up ADT's panels or unhappy customers because of their lack
of customer service, etc...
These people are disconnected and because of that, they have no experience
on other products so when they go to a premise that has an unknown brand of
panel, their best option is to take it out because no one at ADT will be
able to service it anyway, and then they internally bach about it
ADT tells them what they will work with, what they will sell and how there
going to sell it.

I know, I worked for ADT for 13 years as service tech and project leader, I
know what I am taking about. My eyes where open before I worked for them,
closed themselves while I was working there and re-opened when I left. (that
was the best day of my life actually)

I am not critisizing ADT's employees, they are doing their best and working
hard to make a living everyday but from where I am standing today, what I
recall of that period in my life is the exact same as if I had been brain

Its unfortunate to have closed eyes on the market today because you are
missing a groing world.


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That should be interesting. They've been resting from all the acquisitions
for a while. Usually not for long though.