Maker Pro
Maker Pro


Hello everyone. I'm trying to program a. Honeywell 6160VPADT KEYPAD with a Honeywell Vista 15p alarm panel.

The problem is that i am trying to address the prox address and the value won't change Everytime I'm trying to save it , so I could go to normal state.

Can anyone please advise what to do?

I assume you're following the instructions for the 6160VPADT INSTALLATION and SETUP GUIDE:

(1) What address did you enter for the keypad itself?
(2) What address are you trying to enter the the Prox Reader?
(3) Do you have other keypads in your system, and if so, how many?

On a side note, I advise powering the keypad down and back up by shutting off and restoring power to the panel. Some Honeywell keypads can be flaky at having live power wires connected to them. You can sometimes get away with it, and sometimes it zaps the keypad.