Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Homemade LED ceiling light.

I was thinking about bulding at least one.I think I would drill a lot of
holes in a cheap wide shallow plastic bowl and put LED bulbs in the
holes and connect to wires to a battery holder which would lay inside of
the bowl and have three strings so as to hang the light evenly (sort of
like those hanging potted plants) from my living room ceiling light, the
little brass threaded ferule which holds the glass clobe on to the
original ceiling light, I can make a little wire hook to hang the light
from.This would be for if the electric power gets knocked out (stormy
weather, whatever) for an extended lenght of time.I was wondering how
well something like that might work out? If it works ok, I can build
more LED battery powered ''ceiling lights'' for other rooms in my house.

Arfa Daily

I was thinking about bulding at least one.I think I would drill a lot of
holes in a cheap wide shallow plastic bowl and put LED bulbs in the
holes and connect to wires to a battery holder which would lay inside of
the bowl and have three strings so as to hang the light evenly (sort of
like those hanging potted plants) from my living room ceiling light, the
little brass threaded ferule which holds the glass clobe on to the
original ceiling light, I can make a little wire hook to hang the light
from.This would be for if the electric power gets knocked out (stormy
weather, whatever) for an extended lenght of time.I was wondering how
well something like that might work out? If it works ok, I can build
more LED battery powered ''ceiling lights'' for other rooms in my house.

Why not make use of the stick-on battery powered LED lights that are made
specifically for such things as power outages ? They are dirt cheap here in
the UK, and seem to work quite well. I'm sure you could find something like
a plastic plate to stick it to, in order to make your 'hanging basket'
arrangement ??



I was thinking about bulding at least one.I think I would drill a lot of
holes in a cheap wide shallow plastic bowl and put LED bulbs in the
holes and connect to wires to a battery holder which would lay inside of
the bowl and have three strings so as to hang the light evenly (sort of
like those hanging potted plants) from my living room ceiling light, the
little brass threaded ferule which holds the glass clobe on to the
original ceiling light, I can make a little wire hook to hang the light
from.This would be for if the electric power gets knocked out (stormy
weather, whatever) for an extended lenght of time.I was wondering how
well something like that might work out? If it works ok, I can build
more LED battery powered ''ceiling lights'' for other rooms in my house.
If you want a project to fill some empty time, that's as good as any.
Do the math and make sure you understand how little light you'll be
If you just want a light that works in an emergency, go buy one of the
small fluorescent under-counter lights. Or a flashlight If you wait
for summer, there's one at every other garage
sale for a buck or less.

If you have lots of extra cash to burn, buy a led flashlight. They make
'em with as many zillion lights as you want. And they're cheaper than
buying leds in low quantity.

If your power goes out a lot, put rechargeables. Use Eneloop or some
other vendor's hybrid NiMH so there'll be some chance it will still have
some charge when you need it.

So, for wasting time and using up extra cash, a homemade led light
works fine. And you can point to it and say, "hey, look what I can do."

If you want light, give it up and buy one.

William Sommerwerck

Why not use the stick-on battery-powered LED lights made
specifically for such things as power outages? They're dirt-
cheap in the UK, and seem to work quite well. I'm sure you
could find something like a plastic plate to stick it to, in order
to make your "hanging basket" arrangement.

Seconded. I bought a pack of three stick-on lights, each with five white
LEDs, for less than $13 total (batteries included) at Costco.


[email protected] wrote in
I was thinking about bulding at least one.I think I would drill a lot of
holes in a cheap wide shallow plastic bowl and put LED bulbs in the
holes and connect to wires to a battery holder which would lay inside of
the bowl and have three strings so as to hang the light evenly (sort of
like those hanging potted plants) from my living room ceiling light, the
little brass threaded ferule which holds the glass clobe on to the
original ceiling light, I can make a little wire hook to hang the light
from.This would be for if the electric power gets knocked out (stormy
weather, whatever) for an extended lenght of time.I was wondering how
well something like that might work out? If it works ok, I can build
more LED battery powered ''ceiling lights'' for other rooms in my house.

Solar Powered flash-light using LEDs.
bogolight (buy one give one--to someone who needs light)
[I have no connection with the project except I just bought one/gave one).


please pardon my infinite ignorance, the set-of-things-I-do-not-know is an
infinite set.

[email protected] remove ch100-5 to avoid spam trap
I have three little LED flashlights, one of them also has a little
skinny flourascent light (not much thicker than a coathanger wire)
running along the side of the flashlight.I also own six battery powered
flourascent camp type lanterns, one of them is a Sears rechargable that
I bought at the Goodwill store, but I don't have the adapter for the

I have several small inverters and a lot of Everyready AAA and AA and C
cell and D cell rechargable batteries with two Eveready rechargers.If I
plugged one of the battery rechargers into one of my inverters, (12 volt
D C to 120 volt AC) and connect the inverter to the battery in my van,
wouldn't that charge the batteries up ok?


William said:
Seconded. I bought a pack of three stick-on lights, each with five white
LEDs, for less than $13 total (batteries included) at Costco.
I found 'em at an 'everything's a dollar' store for...well, you know.
Found some at wally-world being closed out; four for
$3.something...including batteries.

The other day, I found an LED spotlight being closed out at Walgreen's
for $3. It had a solar cell, three white LEDs, a charging circuit and
two AA NiMHs.

Alas, there was only one....



If you have lots of extra cash to burn, buy a led flashlight. They make
'em with as many zillion lights as you want. And they're cheaper than
buying leds in low quantity.

The "Dollar General" had some led flashlights for $4 sans batteries.
14 LEDs and 3 AAA batteries. It's the first light I reach for.

I agree, ledshoppe and dealextreme, both good sources for LEDs and
flash lights. You may get a dud when buying hundreds of leds but that
is rare. In 300 leds I had 4 bad ones from ledshoppe. Ready made light for
what the poster contemplates with 100+ degree beam spread.


I was thinking about bulding at least one.I think I would drill a lot of
holes in a cheap wide shallow plastic bowl and put LED bulbs in the
holes and connect to wires to a battery holder which would lay inside of
the bowl and have three strings so as to hang the light evenly (sort of
like those hanging potted plants) from my living room ceiling light, the
little brass threaded ferule which holds the glass clobe on to the
original ceiling light, I can make a little wire hook to hang the light
from.This would be for if the electric power gets knocked out (stormy
weather, whatever) for an extended lenght of time.I was wondering how
well something like that might work out? If it works ok, I can build
more LED battery powered ''ceiling lights'' for other rooms in my house.

It seems like a lot of work. I was going to install a bunch of LED ceiling pot lights,
mostly in the kitchen. I was going to use X10 to control them. I found out X10 is
not supposed to work with wall supplies and the light from normal LED's is too blue.
Warm LED's are available now, so any light I install will have to be the warm type.
They are also essential for art display lighting. The LED's I bought are 3 watt Luxeon
for about $6 ea.

The LED lanterns and flashlight are so cheap, that you should reconsider.
I d think its very nice to have a house emergency supply of ceiling and floor
runners, as a backup, and you can even use them all the time as added
convenience and styling using different colors.



It seems like a lot of work. I was going to install a bunch of LED ceiling pot lights,
mostly in the kitchen. I was going to use X10 to control them. I found out X10 is
not supposed to work with wall supplies and the light from normal LED's is too blue.
Warm LED's are available now, so any light I install will have to be the warm type.
They are also essential for art display lighting. The LED's I bought are 3 watt Luxeon
for about $6 ea.

The LED lanterns and flashlight are so cheap, that you should reconsider.
I d think its very nice to have a house emergency supply of ceiling and floor
runners, as a backup, and you can even use them all the time as added
convenience and styling using different colors.

Check out this site I saw in another NG.

It has a simple design to get the most out of the batteries. Lot's of
other cool stuff on his site too. Just move up to the bigclive folder.

- Tim -


Check out this site I saw in another NG.

It has a simple design to get the most out of the batteries. Lot's of
other cool stuff on his site too. Just move up to the bigclive folder.

- Tim -

That's a good schematic for a tiny voltage booster. I dates back to
vacuum toobs and is called a "blocking oscillator." One application
was the vertical oscillator in TV sets, another was audio code
practice oscillator using a tapped audio output transformer.

This guy is talking about a large number of LEDs so it is interesting
that you present that method. I use it as a boost converter for 3V
circuits as a bias supply for turning on mosfets - open circuit they
can put out upwards of 80 Volts with no load - so with some attention
to raising the power a little it might work a large string of LEDs
from a single 1.5 V cell.

No load, and it may destroy the transistor with the HV spike.