Maker Pro
Maker Pro

High-voltage low-wattage computer -- any advantages?




Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional
computers? In this high-volt, low-watt PC, all of the components
[motherboard, cpu, memory, video system (including the monitor), sound
system (including the speakers)] rely on the high-voltage, low-power
electricity. Speakers and monitor are purely digital and also use the
high-voltage, low-power digital electricity. Speakers do not contain
any diaphragm, instead they rely on "electrifying" the air to produce
sound. The electric current directly causes the air molecules to
vibrate and produce sound -- this makes it easy to reproduce
high-frequency sounds than using a conventional speaker.

In this system, the voltage is high but the amperage is *extremely*



John Popelish

Radium said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional


Mark Fortune

Radium said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional
computers? In this high-volt, low-watt PC, all of the components
[motherboard, cpu, memory, video system (including the monitor), sound
system (including the speakers)] rely on the high-voltage, low-power
electricity. Speakers and monitor are purely digital and also use the
high-voltage, low-power digital electricity. Speakers do not contain
any diaphragm, instead they rely on "electrifying" the air to produce
sound. The electric current directly causes the air molecules to
vibrate and produce sound -- this makes it easy to reproduce
high-frequency sounds than using a conventional speaker.

In this system, the voltage is high but the amperage is *extremely*



Quite the opposite in fact, given that most, if not all insulators have
a breakdown voltage - IE electricity will start to flow across them once
the voltage reaches a certain level, sometimes over quite large
distances, coupled with the fact that the distance between conductors on
motherboards alone is often quite small. couple that with the fact that
the distance between conductors on high density IC's such as processors
is uncreadibly small... you will see problems.

CPU's typically run at low voltages (say 1.5v - 3v) for this reason - to
avoid electrical leakage between components on the chip.

I'm not saying it's not possible to build a computer that uses high
voltages, but it would have to be huge. The higher the voltage, the
larger the distance you need between individual components (specifically
thinking of IC's here). In a world where manufacturers are trying to
sqeeze as much into a small a space as possible...

There is also the safety issue to think of. Being a technican, I like to
work inside computers, sometimes changing floppy drives whilst the
computers still running, and fans etc. I would not be happy with working
on a computer that ran at 10,000 volts, even if it was switched off (oh
btw the capacitors would have to be huge too)

I like this idea of 'electrifying the air' to produce sound... is this a
thought process ofshot or is it something you know exists? I would be
interested to hear any theories/products that do this.


Bob Myers

John Popelish said:
Radium said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional


Please don't feed the trolls. Move along, now,
everyone, there's nothing to see here....

Bob M.

John Popelish

Radium said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional
computers? (snip)

In this system, the voltage is high but the amperage is *extremely*

Lets reduce the complexity of that computer to a single gate, and see
how fast it could switch at that power level and voltage swing.

..000001 watt from 10,000 volts implies a supply current of no more
than 10^-10 amperes. extremely low, as you say.

Charging a 10 pF node through 10,000 volts (one logic signal
transition) with that current (from I = C*(dv/dt)) would take about
1000 seconds. Reduce that total current so that a million or so gates
could be involved in the computer, and that time per transition goes
up by a factor of a million (if they all must share the same uA). In
other words, all 1 million gates could change state once every 32 years.

And people think it takes a long time for Windows to boot up now!

Michael A. Terrell

John said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional
computers? (snip)

In this system, the voltage is high but the amperage is *extremely*

Lets reduce the complexity of that computer to a single gate, and see
how fast it could switch at that power level and voltage swing.

.000001 watt from 10,000 volts implies a supply current of no more
than 10^-10 amperes. extremely low, as you say.

Charging a 10 pF node through 10,000 volts (one logic signal
transition) with that current (from I = C*(dv/dt)) would take about
1000 seconds. Reduce that total current so that a million or so gates
could be involved in the computer, and that time per transition goes
up by a factor of a million (if they all must share the same uA). In
other words, all 1 million gates could change state once every 32 years.

And people think it takes a long time for Windows to boot up now!

That's the perfect computer for this troll. It would take a few
millennium for it to boot.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Michael A. Terrell

Eeyore said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts]

Christ, you're clueless.


Yes, I think we should nominate him for the "Sloman Award" with the
"Allison Endorsement".

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


I think you have have amperage and wattage confussed. probably from
confusing ohm's law.

let's say we have a cuircut that uses 10 watts, we could use a power
supply that outputs 10 volts at 1 amp (10 x 1 = 10); or 100 volts at .1
amp (100 x .1 = 10 watts); but, a power supply that output only .000001
watt wouldn't have enough power to drive one LED, let olone a computer.

Mark Fortune

Michael said:
John said:
Radium said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional

In this system, the voltage is high but the amperage is *extremely*

Lets reduce the complexity of that computer to a single gate, and see
how fast it could switch at that power level and voltage swing.

.000001 watt from 10,000 volts implies a supply current of no more
than 10^-10 amperes. extremely low, as you say.

Charging a 10 pF node through 10,000 volts (one logic signal
transition) with that current (from I = C*(dv/dt)) would take about
1000 seconds. Reduce that total current so that a million or so gates
could be involved in the computer, and that time per transition goes
up by a factor of a million (if they all must share the same uA). In
other words, all 1 million gates could change state once every 32 years.

And people think it takes a long time for Windows to boot up now!

That's the perfect computer for this troll. It would take a few
millennium for it to boot.

Windows millenium?



Well, at least he IS consistent in that...

Bob M.

He is at least posting in the correct group. It is
sci.electronics.basics, not sci.electronics.advanced.headspinning



Mark said:
Radium said:

Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional
computers? In this high-volt, low-watt PC, all of the components
[motherboard, cpu, memory, video system (including the monitor), sound
system (including the speakers)] rely on the high-voltage, low-power
electricity. Speakers and monitor are purely digital and also use the
high-voltage, low-power digital electricity. Speakers do not contain
any diaphragm, instead they rely on "electrifying" the air to produce
sound. The electric current directly causes the air molecules to
vibrate and produce sound -- this makes it easy to reproduce
high-frequency sounds than using a conventional speaker.

In this system, the voltage is high but the amperage is *extremely*



Quite the opposite in fact, given that most, if not all insulators have
a breakdown voltage - IE electricity will start to flow across them once
the voltage reaches a certain level, sometimes over quite large
distances, coupled with the fact that the distance between conductors on
motherboards alone is often quite small. couple that with the fact that
the distance between conductors on high density IC's such as processors
is uncreadibly small... you will see problems.

CPU's typically run at low voltages (say 1.5v - 3v) for this reason - to
avoid electrical leakage between components on the chip.

I'm not saying it's not possible to build a computer that uses high
voltages, but it would have to be huge. The higher the voltage, the
larger the distance you need between individual components (specifically
thinking of IC's here). In a world where manufacturers are trying to
sqeeze as much into a small a space as possible...

There is also the safety issue to think of. Being a technican, I like to
work inside computers, sometimes changing floppy drives whilst the
computers still running, and fans etc. I would not be happy with working
on a computer that ran at 10,000 volts, even if it was switched off (oh
btw the capacitors would have to be huge too)

I like this idea of 'electrifying the air' to produce sound... is this a
thought process ofshot or is it something you know exists? I would be
interested to hear any theories/products that do this.


Thanks for the info. I know realize how disadvantageous this
nearly-wattless design of a PC is.

Michael A. Terrell

Puckdropper said:
He is at least posting in the correct group. It is
sci.electronics.basics, not sci.electronics.advanced.headspinning


No, his messages belong in

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Michael said:
John Popelish wrote:

That's the perfect computer for this troll. It would take a few
millennium for it to boot.

Who knows, maybe that Skybuck guy could keep busy trying to invent such
a machine ...




Would a computer designed to use high-voltage [around 10,000 volts],
low-wattage [around 0.000001 watt] have any advantage over conventional

It'd be much more resistant to electrostatic damage, but at one microwatt
probably not very fast.
In this system, the voltage is high but the amperage is *extremely*

so low that thermal expansion changing its capacitance would cause problems.
